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. 2012 Sep 12;2012(9):CD007146. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007146.pub3
Study Reason for exclusion
Aisen 2011 Multicentre RCT. Intervention: tramiprosate 100 mg or tramiprosate 150 mg bd versus placebo in people with mild‐to‐moderate Alzheimer's disease. Falls reported as adverse events.
Alexander 2003 Controlled trial. Not strictly randomised. Intervention: multifactorial fall risk assessment in day care centres. Falls outcomes.
Alp 2007 RCT. Intervention: self management classes for osteoporotic women (post‐menopausal or idiopathic osteoporosis). Falls outcomes for outdoor falls only. Not just older women (mean age minus 1 SD is < 60).
Armstrong 1996 RCT. Intervention: hormone replacement therapy in post menopausal women. Falls outcomes. Not just older women: range 45 to 70, mean age minus 1 SD is < 60.
Ashburn 2007 RCT. Intervention: exercise in people with Parkinson's disease. Falls outcomes.
Barr 2005 Controlled trial. 171 non‐responders added to intervention group after randomisation. Intervention: screening for fracture risk and GPs advised to prescribe calcium and vitamin D. Falls outcomes.
Bea 2011 RCT. Intervention: hormone treatment (2 arms) versus control in postmenopausal women. Falls outcomes. Not just older women (mean age minus 1 SD is < 60).
Berggren 2008 RCT. Intervention: multifactorial intervention in hospital after hip fracture. Reports falls 1 year after randomisation. Excluded as a large proportion were not community‐dwelling. Only 63% living independently prior to admission, and 52% by 1 year.
Chapuy 2002 RCT. Intervention: vitamin D plus calcium. Falls outcomes. Not community (intermediate nursing care facilities).
Crotty 2002 RCT. Intervention: accelerated discharge and home‐based rehabilitation after hip fracture. Falls reported as adverse events.
De Deyn 2005 RCT. Intervention: antipsychotic (aripiprazole) versus placebo in patients with Alzheimer's disease. Only falls caused by the medication (adverse events).
Dubbert 2002 RCT. Intervention: nurse counselling to begin a programme of walking. Injurious falls reported as adverse events.
Dubbert 2008 RCT. Intervention: counselling to increase walking and carry out home‐based strength and flexibility exercise. Injurious falls reported as adverse events.
Ebrahim 1997 RCT. Intervention: brisk walking in post menopausal women. Falls outcomes. Not just older women (mean minus 1 SD is < 60).
Edwards Ongoing multifactorial trial described in Edwards N, Cere M, Leblond D. A community‐based intervention to prevent falls among seniors. Family and Community Health 1993;15(4):57‐65. No paper reporting results identified. No reply to emailed enquiry.
Elley 2003 RCT (cluster‐randomised). Intervention: activity counselling and Green Prescription to increase physical activity in older people. Falls reported as adverse events.
Faber 2006 RCT. Interventions: functional walking, Tai Chi. Not community (low and high‐level nursing care facilities).
Gill 2002 RCT. Intervention: home‐based intervention to prevent functional decline. Falls reported as adverse events.
Graafmans 1996 Not RCT. An epidemiological study of risk factors for falls in a self selected subgroup from an RCT.
Green 2002 RCT. Intervention: community physiotherapy programme for people with mobility problems at least 1 year post stroke. Falls outcomes.
Inokuchi 2007 Not RCT. Study design changed to non‐randomised controlled trial. Intervention: nurse‐led community exercise programme. Falls outcomes.
Iwamoto 2005 RCT. Intervention: whole body vibration (WBV) plus alendronate versus alendronate. Aim to investigate whether WBV enhanced effect of alendronate on BMD, bone turnover, and chronic back pain in people with osteoporosis. Falls reported but only one person fell during 1‐year follow‐up in intervention group versus 2 in control group.
Jee 2004 RCT (pilot). Intervention: incorporating vision and hearing tests into aged care assessment. No falls outcomes.
Kerschan‐Schindl 2000 Not RCT. Sample selected from controlled trial of home exercise programme. Falls outcomes.
Kerse 2010 RCT. Intervention: home‐based physical activity programme in people aged over 75 years with depression. Falls reported as adverse events.
Kiehn 2009 RCT. Intervention: exercise. Letter to the editor published 2009, with no falls outcomes. Unable to obtain results from authors.
Kruse 2010 RCT. Intervention: weight‐bearing exercise in people with diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Falls outcomes. Not just older people (mean age minus SD is = < 60).
Larsen 2005 RCT. 3 interventions: vitamin D plus calcium versus same plus home safety versus home safety alone. Outcome: only 'severe' falls leading to acute hospital admission.
Lawton 2008 RCT. Intervention: exercise prescription for relatively inactive women. Not just older women (range 40 to 74, mean age minus 1 SD is < 60), and falls reported as adverse events.
Lehtola 2000 RCT. Intervention: exercise. Translated from Finnish. Excluded because of apparent discrepancies in reporting of data. Clarification sought from authors but no response.
McMurdo 2010 RCT. Intervention to increase physical activity in sedentary older people. Falls reported as adverse events.
Means 1996 RCT (pilot). Intervention to test a performance measure. Both groups received the same exercise intervention, with or without exposure to the functional obstacle course. Falls outcomes.
N0025078568 RCT of vestibular rehabilitation with falls outcomes due for completion 2001. Completed "a few years ago" but yet to be written up (personal communication).
N0084162084 RCT with falls outcome completed in 2008. No paper published.
N0105009461 RCT due for completion 2001 but no paper identified. Study incomplete in 2006 (personal communication), no response to subsequent emails.
N0582105006 RCT due for completion in 2002 but no paper published
Orwig 2011 RCT. Intervention: progressive aerobic and resistance exercises to improve BMD in community‐dwelling older people after hip fracture. Falls recorded as adverse events.
Peterson 2004 RCT. Intervention: muscle strength training in hip fracture patients post discharge. No falls outcomes. Insufficient falls data to carry out reliable analysis (personal communication).
Reid 2008 RCT. Intervention: calcium supplementation. Falls outcomes. Not just older men (40 years and over, mean age 57).
Ringe 2007 Possibly CCT ("alternate allocation" of "matched triplets" to one of 3 intervention groups). Intervention: alendronate + alfacalcidol; alendronate and plain vitamin D; alfacalcidol alone. Not just older people (mean age minus 1 SD is < 60) (all with osteoporosis).
Robertson 2001b Not RCT. Controlled trial in multiple centres. Intervention: home‐based exercise. Same programme as in Campbell 1997, Campbell 1999, and Robertson 2001a. Falls outcomes.
Rosie 2007 RCT. Intervention: functional home exercise. Falls reported as adverse events.
Rucker 2006 Not RCT. Non‐randomised "on‐off" time series scheme. Intervention: educational intervention. Falls outcomes.
Sakamoto 2006 RCT. Intervention: balance exercise. Residents of nursing care facilities and special nursing homes for the aged, and the users of outpatient rehabilitation centres.
Sambrook 2012 RCT (cluster‐randomised). Intervention: increased sunlight. Falls outcomes. Participants are in intermediate care facilities, i.e. not community‐dwelling.
Sato 2005b RCT. Intervention: risedronate, vitamin D2, and calcium in women with dementia and probable Alzheimer's disease. Control: placebo risedronate, vitamin D2, and calcium. Not a comparison of fall prevention interventions as both groups received vitamin D and calcium. Fractures primary outcome. Paper reports change in number of fallers pre‐post intervention in both groups.
Sato 2006 RCT. Intervention: alendronate plus vitamin D for prevention of fractures in people with Parkinson's disease.
Shaw 2003 RCT. Intervention: multifactorial intervention in cognitively impaired people. Falls outcomes. Majority of participants not community‐dwelling (79% of participants lived in high and intermediate nursing care facilities).
Shimada 2003 RCT. Interventions: balance training, gait re‐education. Falls data obtained from authors but not available by source population (62% community‐dwelling and 38% institutionalised).
Singh 2005 RCT. Intervention: high versus low‐intensity weight training versus GP care for depression. Falls reported as adverse events.
Sohng 2003 RCT. Intervention: community‐based "fall prevention exercise programme" with no falls outcome.
Stineman 2011 RCT. Intervention: exercise for African Americans with fall history. No falls outcome.
Sumukadas 2007 RCT. Intervention: perindopril (ACE inhibitor) to improve muscle function. Falls reported as adverse events.
Teixeira 2010 RCT. Intervention: exercise plus medication in women with osteoporosis. Falls outcomes. Not just older women (mean age minus 1 SD is < 60).
Tennstedt 1998 RCT. Intervention: to reduce fear of falling and increase activity levels. Falls reported as adverse events.
Tinetti 1999 RCT. Intervention: home‐based rehabilitation after hip fracture. Falls reported as adverse events.
Vogler 2009 RCT. Intervention: exercises in people recently discharged from hospital. Falls reported as adverse events.
Witham 2010 RCT. Intervention: vitamin D in older people with heart failure. Falls reported as adverse events.
Wolfson 1996 RCT. Intervention: exercise. FICSIT trial. No falls outcome.
Xia 2009 RCT. Population‐based multifaceted intervention. Falls outcomes based on random sample from participating communities.
Yardley 2007 RCT. Intervention: Internet provision of tailored advice on strength and balance training. No falls outcomes.
Yates 2001 RCT. Multifactorial intervention to reduce fall risk. No falls outcomes.
Ytterstad 1996 Not RCT. Non‐randomised controlled trial. Intervention: population‐based. Falls outcomes.
Zhang 2006 RCT. Intervention: Tai Chi. Title states "intervention study to prevent falls" but no falls outcomes.
Zijlstra 2009 RCT. Intervention: cognitive behavioural group intervention to reduce fear of falling and activity avoidance. Falls reported as adverse events.

ACE: angiotensin‐converting‐enzyme
bd: twice a day
BMD: bone mineral density
CCT: controlled clinical trial
FICSIT: frailty and injuries: co‐operative studies of intervention techniques
GP: general practitioner (family physician)
RCT: randomised controlled trial
SD: standard deviation