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. 2012 Sep 12;2012(9):CD007146. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD007146.pub3


Study name RESTORE: Recovery exercises and Stepping On after fracture
Methods RCT
Participants Target sample size: 350
Inclusion criteria: people with a fall‐related lower limb or pelvic fracture who have completed active physiotherapy and/or rehabilitation and who are living at home or in a hostel
Exclusion criteria: residing in nursing home; Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) < 24; insufficient English language skills; inability to walk 10 metres despite assistance from another person or walking aid; progressive neurological disease; a medical condition precluding exercise
Interventions 1. Home visits from a physiotherapist to prescribe an individualised exercise programme and use motivational interviewing and goal setting to encourage behaviour change with regard to exercise, also offered the Stepping On programme as implemented by the NSW Department of Health: weekly 2‐hour group discussion sessions for 7 weeks plus an additional booster session at 3 months
2. Usual care control
Outcomes 12‐month follow‐up. Rate of falls and the proportion of fallers in intervention and control groups
Starting date 2010
Contact information C Sherrington
The George Institute for Global Health
PO Box M201
Missenden Rd NSW 2050