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. 2021 Feb 22;203(6):e00427-20. doi: 10.1128/JB.00427-20

FIG 2.


PdeL regulates the fliF and sslE promoters. Expression levels of PfliF mNeonGreen and PsslE lacZ fusions were determined by flow cytometry (fluorescence-activated cell sorter [FACS]) and β-galactosidase activity assays, respectively. (A) The activity of PfliF mNeonGreen was tested in the absence (control) and presence of PdeL (+PdeL) of double transformants of ΔpdeL strain T2057. The PfliF mNeonGreen reporter was provided by low-copy-number plasmid pKECY28 (PfliF mNG); a constitutive PlacUV5 mNeonGreen reporter (PUV5 mNG) (provided by pKESL279) and a promoterless mNeonGreen (mNG) promoter (pKECY26) served as controls. Plasmid pKESL162 carries pdeL under the control of Ptac, and parent vector plasmid pKESK22 was used as a control. Cultures were grown in tryptone medium with antibiotics but without the addition of IPTG. Shown are histograms depicting the fluorescence of samples taken after 3 h of growth (OD600 ranging from 0.8 to 1). For each sample, 200,000 bacteria were counted. (B) Mean fluorescence intensities (in arbitrary units) from two independent experiments after 3 h of growth. (C) The activity of the PsslE lacZ fusion was determined in double transformants of ΔpdeL mutant strain U266. The PsslE lacZ reporter was provided by low-copy-number plasmid pKECY46. PdeL was provided under the control of Ptac by pKESL162. Vector plasmid pKESK22 was used as a control in ΔpdeL strain U266 and parental strain U4 (wild type [wt]). Cultures for β-galactosidase assays were grown as described above for panel A. Mean values from at least 3 replicates are shown as bars, and error bars indicate standard deviations.