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Table 3.

Pathological, genetic, and clinical data of 18 cases with discrepant retrospective and original pathological diagnoses of Huntington’s disease (HD).

Number/age/sex Brain weight (g) Pathological assessment (CAG)n Clinical diagnosis HD/chorea Family history (41)
Original Revised
HD NII/NI HD/Grade Additional/other diagnoses
 1/39/F ND +/+ +/0 ND ND at‐risk +
 2/47/M ND +/+ +/I ND ND +?/− S
 3/71/M 1270 +/+ +/I Lac infarcts ND +?/+?
 4/64/F 1070 +/+ +/II Str ascl ND + S
 5/66/F 1340 +/+ +/II Men‐enc 17–43 + S
 6/70/F 1210 +/+ +/II ND ND + U
 7/72/F 1285 +/+ +/II Str ascl ND + S
 8/74/F ND +/+ +/II Str ascl ND + S
 9/50/M 1260 +/+ +/III ND 27–45 +
10/51/F 1100 +/+ +/III ND 15–43 + S
11/73/F 1030 +/+ +/III AD§ 18–42 + S
12/83/F ND +/+ +/III AD, Str ascl ND + U
13/80/F ND +/+ +/ungraded ND ND +? S
14/36/M ND +? +/+ +/II ND ND + +
15/70/M ND +? +/+ +/II Str ascl ND +?/+ S
16/57/M ND +? +/+ +/III Caudate infarct†† ND +?/+ S
17/61/M  980 +? +/+ +/IV Old contusion ND +?/+ S
18/45/F ND + −/− −/HD‐like‡‡ ChAc ND +?/+ S

Reviewed by J‐P Vonsattel (NY, USA).

Years after this patient’s death, his father was shown to have an intermediate CAG repeat length.


CERAD infrequent, Braak I/II (47).

CERAD infrequent, Braak III/IV (47).


Considered related to an arteriovenous malformation.


Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease excluded by G Janssen (Utrecht, The Netherlands).

Abbreviations and symbols: NII/NI = ubiquitinated N‐terminal huntingtin‐positive neuronal intranuclear inclusions/neuropil inclusions; Grade = grade according to Vonsattel et al (33, 49); Chorea = choreiform movements (indicated if relevant); F = female; − = negative; + = positive; M = male; +? = questionable; Lac = lacunar; Str ascl = striatal arteriosclerosis; Men‐enc = old meningo‐encephalitis; S = suspect; U = unknown; AD = Alzheimer’s disease; ChAc = chorea‐acanthocytosis; CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD; ND = not determined.