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Table 4.

Pathological, genetic and clinical data of seven cases without Huntington’s disease (HD) neuronal intranuclear and neuropil inclusions.

Number/age/sex Brain weight (g) Pathological assessment (CAG)n Clinical diagnosis HD/chorea Family history (41)
Original Revised
HD HD/grade Additional/other diagnoses
1/55/F −/0 Pontine hem 20–26 at risk S
2/62/M 1250 −/0 Infarct right caudate at risk S
3/64/M 1360 −/0 Cong malformation 15–18 at risk +
4/90/F −/0 AD 19–24 at risk +
5/58/F 1000 −/0 AD§, brain calcinosis +?/− S
6/74/F −/0 PSP symbol 16–17 +?††/+ U
7/45/F + −/HD‐like‡‡ ChAc +?/+ S

Partial agenesis of the corpus callosum [reviewed by H Vinters (LA, USA)].

CERAD moderate, Braak III/IV (47).


CERAD moderate, Braak V/VI (47).

Differential diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease symbol (25).


Differential diagnosis of PSP.


Creutzfeldt‐Jakob disease excluded by G Janssen (Utrecht, The Netherlands).

Abbreviations and symbols: Chorea = choreiform movements (indicated if relevant); F = female; M = male; − = negative; Hem = hemorrhage; S = suspect; Cong = congenital; + = positive; AD = Alzheimer’s disease; +? = questionable; PSP = progressive supranuclear palsy; U = unknown; ChAc = chorea‐acanthocytosis; CERAD = Consortium to Establish a Registry for AD.