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Figure 2.

Figure 2

A. Photomicrograph of one of the two small cell glioblastoma multiformes (GBMs) that were secondary GBMs. Note absence of recognizable oligodendroglioma component. Case 12 illustrated. Hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) 200×. B. Photomicrograph of one of the small cell GBMs containing a few interspersed pleomorphic multinucleated giant cells; these were too few to meet criteria for giant cell GBM. Case 9 illustrated. H&E, 200×. C. Photomicrograph of the small cell GBM from the 17‐year‐old male, whose magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan is illustrated in Figure 1C. This tumor was relatively homogeneous, although glial areas were also present. Case 36 illustrated. H&E, 200×. D. High power photomicrograph of one of the epithelioid GBMs illustrates the characteristic lack of cell‐to‐cell cohesion that may prompt consideration of metastatic malignancies and the epithelioid morphology, with rounded cytoplasmic contours and absence of fibrillary cell processes. Case 2 illustrated. H&E, 600×. E. High power photomicrograph of the epithelioid GBM illustrating focal vacuolization and probable lipidization of the tumor cells. H&E, 600×. This patient subsequently developed cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dissemination and CSF cytology was positive for the same tumor cells. Case 2 illustrated. Inset, 600×. F. High power photomicrograph of the rhabdoid GBM demonstrating the prominent nucleoli and glassy, ball‐like cytoplasm. H&E, 600×. G. High power photomicrograph of the rhabdoid GBM, immunostained for BAF47 (INI1 protein), showed retention of nuclear staining in much of the tumor, but focally the most rhabdoid‐appearing cells with large eccentric nuclei, prominent nucleoli and ball‐like cytoplasm showed nuclear loss of immunostaining (arrows). Case 7 illustrated. Immunostaining for INI‐1 protein, with light hematoxylin counterstain, 600×. H. Another unusual, but single, example was a GBM containing abundant eosinophilic, refractile, cytoplasmic inclusions. Case 35 illustrated. H&E, 600×. I. These refractile inclusions were strongly positive for both periodic acid Schiff reaction (top panel) and trichrome stains (bottom panel). Case 35 illustrated. Both, 600×.