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. 2021 May 5;17(2):949–970. doi: 10.1007/s11482-021-09950-6

Table 7.

Odds ratio from logistic regressions of mental disorders by reasons of not working for pay

Variable Model 1
Anxiety Disorder
Model 2
Depressive Disorder
Reasons for not working (ref. = voluntarily not working)
Sick with or concerned about COVID 1.513*** 1.423***
Caring someone with COVID 1.735*** 1.448***
Employer’s business reduction due to COVID 1.381*** 1.274***
Laid off due to COVID 1.538*** 1.444***
Employer’s business closed temporarily due to COVID 1.302*** 1.225***
Employer went out of business due to COVID 1.703*** 1.621***

Note: Sample size = 646,298; sample including respondents not working for pay; *, **, and *** indicate statistical significance at an alpha level of 0.05, 0.01, and 0.001, respectively