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. 2021 Apr 21;9:626852. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2021.626852

Table 4.

Multinomial logit estimations based on the Health Belief Model to get vaccination.

Base outcome assigned to “I am willing to be vaccinated” (yes) “I refuse to get vaccinated” (no) “I have not yet decided whether to vaccinate” (hesitant)
Variable+ RRR++ SE+++ Coef. ++++ SE+++ RRR++ SE+++ Coef. ++++ SE+++
Susceptibility 1. Family with the possibility of contracting COVID-19 1.1786 0.2395 0.1642 0.2031 1.440** 0.2382 0.3650** 0.1653
Susceptibility 2. A family member has chronic diseases 2.8580** 1.4057 1.050** 0.4918 1.8781 0.7688 0.6302 0.4093
Susceptibility 3. Family or relative with COVID-19 0.1190*** 0.0720 −2.129*** 0.6053 0.9982 0.3754 −0.0018 0.3761
Susceptibility 4. Chile has one of the highest infection rates per 1,000 inhabitants 0.5942 0.2764 −0.5206 0.4652 0.4616** 0.1763 −0.7731** 0.3820
Severity 1. I consider the severity of complications from contracting COVID-19 0.6627** 0.1327 −0.4115** 0.2002 0.6873 0.1219 −0.3750** 0.1774
Severity 2. I think the vaccine will be ineffective 1.5400** 0.3085 0.4318** 0.2003 1.2255 0.2144 0.2034 0.1749
Severity 3. I have concerns regarding the side effects 2.3327*** 0.5046 0.8470*** 0.2162 1.6922*** 0.3110 0.5261*** 0.1838
Benefit 1. I would protect myself and my family 0.4846** 0.1531 −0.7243** 0.3158 0.8767 0.2649 −0.1316 0.3021
Benefit 2. The vaccine will reduce my fear of contagion 0.4993** 0.0952 −0.6945*** 0.1961 0.5724*** 0.1051 −0.5579*** 0.1835
Benefit 3. The available vaccine is effective 0.4256* 0.1967 −0.8540* 0.4620 0.1801*** 0.0760 −1.714*** 0.4222
Benefit 4. The available vaccine is safe 2.1697* 0.9392 0.7745* 0.4328 2.253** 0.8936 0.8121** 0.3967
Barrier 1. Social networks indicate that vaccinating is inconvenient 0.8670 0.1833 −0.1428 0.2115 0.6030*** 0.1143 −0.5059*** 0.1896
Barrier 2. I think the vaccine will be very risky 1.5877** 0.3045 0.4623** 0.1917 1.5999*** 0.2563 0.4699*** 0.1602
Cue_to_action 1. I will wait for others to be vaccinated 1.1646 0.1996 0.1524 0.1713 1.5520*** 0.2440 0.4389*** 0.1573
Cue_to_action 2. A lack of vaccine knowledge 1.0858 0.1698 0.0823 0.1563 1.6910*** 0.2393 0.5253*** 0.1415
Cue_to_action 3. The government's communication in response 1.1573 0.3177 0.1461 0.2745 1.8963*** 0.4710 0.6399*** 0.2484
Cue_to_action 4. Family's response to the pandemic 0.6305** 0.1215 −0.4613** 0.1926 1.1651 0.1801 0.1528 0.1546
Cue_to_action 5. The Medical College of Chile recommended the vaccine 0.8019 0.1945 −0.2208 0.2424 1.2431 0.2716 0.2176 0.2185
Cue_to_action 6. My doctor recommended the vaccine 0.8007 0.1986 −0.2223 0.2479 1.2884 0.2816 0.2534 0.2186
Motivation 1. Religious reasons 0.4449** 0.1340 −0.8000** 0.3011 0.9382 0.2280 −0.0637 0.2430
Motivation 2. The disease was invented by politicians and the pharmaceutical industry 0.7539 0.1770 −0.2825 0.2347 1.1403 0.2437 0.1314 0.2137
Gender 0.4586** 0.1815 −0.7795** 0.3956 0.7495 0.2447 −0.2883 0.3265
Level of Income 1.4423** 0.2098 0.3662** 0.1454 1.2850** 0.1536 0.2508** 0.1195
Relative_work_health_sys 2.5477** 1.0298 0.9352** 0.4041 0.7383 0.2557 −0.3034 0.3464
Work_health_sys 1.150558 0.6585 0.1403 0.5723 0.2611** 0.1777 −1.342** 0.6806
Constant 70.68541 184.18 4.258 2.606 0.0044 0.0112 −5.421 2.536
Number of observations 370
LR chi2(50) 284.8
Prob > chi2 0.0000
Log likelihood 242,888
Pseudo R2 36.96

COVID-19, coronavirus disease 2019.

*p < 0.10; **p < 0.05; ***p < 0.01.

+Variables are as defined in Table 2.

++RRR, relative risk rate.

+++SE, standard error.

++++Coef., Coefficient.