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. 2021 May 5;288(1950):20210341. doi: 10.1098/rspb.2021.0341

Table 2.

Variables used to predict parasite acquisition. For trait.diff.mean and trait.diff.min, ‘host trait scores’ come from a principal component analysis of PanTHERIA, a database of mammal traits ([48]; see the electronic supplementary material for details).

category predictor description
characteristics of parasites ParType parasite taxonomic group: arthropod, bacteria, helminth, protozoa or virus
close, nonclose, vector, intermediate parasite transmission mode(s), each scored separately as a binary variable
n.modes parasite's number of transmission modes
prev.mean, prev.max mean and maximum parasite prevalence across infected hosts in the non-native range, excluding the focal host
n.hosts number of non-focal hosts in which the parasite was found in a focal host's non-native range
all.hosts number of known mammal hosts per parasite across all GMPD records, excluding the focal host
z.score standardized measurement of a parasite's phylogenetic range breadth; negative values indicate greater degree of host specialism
characteristics of parasites’ hosts PD.mean, PD.min mean and minimum pairwise phylogenetic distances between a parasite's hosts (those tallied in n.hosts) and the relevant focal host; units are millions of years ago (Ma)
trait.diff.mean, trait.diff.min mean and minimum difference in host trait scores between a parasite's hosts (those tallied in n.hosts) and the relevant focal host