Log2 fold change of probe intensities of PRSS35 gene expression in different subsets of dermal fibroblasts observed in Affymetrix GeneChip® Mouse 430 2.0 array (n = 3 per condition).
Hexagonal triwise plot depicting the PRSS35 gene expression level.
Relative mRNA levels of PRSS35 in lysates from normal skin (WT, n = 4 mice), inflamed skin (InvEE, n = 4 mice), wounds (d14pw, n = 4 mice) and wound‐induced papillomas (Pap, n = 5 mice). (*P = 0.0159; Mann–Whitney test). Data represent means of three technical replicates ± SEM.
Wound healing dynamics of wild‐type (WT, n = 10) and PRSS35−/− (n = 11) mice after full‐thickness wounding with an 8‐mm punch biopsy. Wound size expressed as percentage of initial wound size (ns; Wilcoxon matched‐pairs signed rank test). Data represent means ± SEM.
Representative pictures of back skin of WT and PRSS35−/− mice at different days post‐wounding (dpw). Scale bar: 1 cm.
H&E‐stained skin sections of WT and PRSS35−/− wounds at different days post‐wounding. Scale bars: 100 µm.