Images in this and following figures are of larval central brains (CBs) at 96ALH.
Schematic showing NBs that undergo asymmetric division to self‐renew and produce GMCs, which terminally differentiate to generate post‐mitotic neurons or glial cells (left). Each NB is surrounded by a microenvironment, composed of glial cells (right).
Representative images showing that Hh accumulates on the surface of LDs in glial cells of the CB (yellow arrows), quantified in (I) (n = 20 LDs). Glial cells are marked by repo‐GAL4 > GFP and CB is circled in (B).
In the posterior compartment of the developing wing disc (WD) pouch region where Hh is expressed, LDs and Hh are not tightly associated (white arrows), quantified in (J) (n = 17 LDs).
Hh‐LD association is quantified by plotting the pixel intensities of both Hh (cyan) and LDs (red) along a line across LDs. Y‐axis represents grey intensity values, and X‐axis represents relative LD position.
K, L”
Hh‐LD associations are observed in the cortex glia (yellow arrows, NP2222‐GAL4 > mGFP).
Data information: Hh is detected with a Hh antibody and LDs are visualised with LipidTOX unless otherwise stated. (D‐D’’), (G‐G’’), (L‐L’’) are zoomed in images of (C, F, K), respectively. Scale bar = 50 μm in (C and F), scale bar = 20 μm in (D‐D’’, K‐L’’), scale bar = 10 μm in (G‐G’’). Error bar represents SEM. In (I): Welch’s t‐test, (****) P < 0.0001. In (J): unpaired t‐test, (ns) P = 0.7113.
Source data are available online for this figure.