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. 2021 Mar 18;65(4):e01539-20. doi: 10.1128/AAC.01539-20


Classification of model parameters into host, parasite, host-parasite, and drug parametersa

Parameter Model parameter(s)
P. berghei-NMRI P. falciparum-SCID P. falciparum-human
Host Initial percentage of human RBCs H0; base death rate of all RBCs λ; Parameters of RBC density dependent RBC clearance χmax and kχ50 Parasite death rate at each time stage δp
Parasite Infectivity parameter β; no. of merozoites per infected RBC r; attraction of parasite to reticulocyte ε; parasite inoculum viability ω Infectivity parameter β; no. of merozoites per infected RBC r; parasite inoculum viability ω; expt parasite growth rate rp; initial parasitemia P0 Intrinsic parasite multiplication rate rp; distribution parameters of the initial parasite density μipl and σipl
Host- parasite Parameters of infection-induced RBC clearance γmax and kγ50; conc. of infected mouse RBCs achieving 0.5 growth retardation effect kl,50 Parameters of infection-induced RBC clearance γmax and kγ50; base clearance of infected RBCs φ Initial parasite density ipl
Drug Parameters of concn effect relationship Emax, EC50; clearance rate for damaged parasites CLY; first-order rate constant for biological intermediate kR Parameters of concn effect relationship Emax, EC50; clearance rate for damaged parasites CLY; first-order rate constant for biological intermediate kR Parameters of concn effect relationship Emax, EC50; growth retardation parameter kret

Parameters were classified based on their dependency on host and parasite variable states and induction through those variables. Detailed description of parameters for murine models of P. berghei-NMRI and P. falciparum-SCID infection can be found in reference 15. Details on parameters of P. falciparum-human infection can be found in Fig. 2 and Table 3.