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. 2021 May 5;18:16. doi: 10.1186/s12950-021-00283-7

Table 1.

The impact of major E-cigarette vapour constituents on bone cell function

Constituent Model Treatment Proliferation/viability Gene Expression ALP Activity Bone Nodules Other Cellular Functions Ref
Nicotine Primary human osteoblasts 3d, 0.01–50 mM

Up to 0.01 mM increased proliferation, > 1 mM reduced proliferation Reduced proliferation.

Cytotoxic at 50 mM

↑Type I collagen, ostrix, ↓ALP, RUNX2, BSP, osteopontin, osteonectin ↑ with 1 mM Altered morphology [24]
Primary human osteoblasts 0.01 μM-10 mM up to 3d ↑ Proliferation with doses up to 1 μM, ↓ with doses > 0.1 mM ↑ c-fos with 0.1 μM, 1 h [25]
Primary human osteoblasts 0.1 μM, 11 and 21d Cytotoxic ↑ H2O2 accumulation, activation of caspase 3 and mitochondrial apoptosis pathways [26]
Murine cell line (OCCM.30) ↑ PGE2 Time-dependent increase in nitric oxide production
Saos-2 cells 3 mM, up to 14d OPG, PGE2, no change [27]
MG63 0.01 μM- 10 mM 1d- 3d 0.01–100 μM increased proliferation, 1–10 mM decreased/cytotoxic Type I Col, ALP, osteocalcin, ↑24 h 0.1 μM-1 mM ↓24 h 1-10 mM, 72 h all dosages [28]
RAW264.7 cells, Treated with RANKL for 7d 0.01–1 mM, up to 7d ↑ Carbonic anhydrase, α 7 nAch receptor ↓CatK, MMP-9, and V-ATPase d2 n/a n/a ↓multinuclear osteoclasts with large nuclei [29]
Flavouring chemicals MG-63 Cinnamon flavoured, nicotine-free e-cigarette liquid and condensate, 2d. ↓ Viability ↑ in ROS production [30]
U937 and MM6 monocytic cell lines Diacetyl, cinnamaldehyde, acetoin, maltol, pentanedione, o-vanillin, and coumarin, 0.01–1 mM ↓ Viability

↑ IL-8 cytokine secretion

↑ in ROS production

Primary human bronchial epithelial (NHBE) cells Diacetyl or 2,3-pentanedione, for 1d RNA-seq differentially expressed genes: Diacetyl = 163 genes, 2,3-pentanedione = 568 genes Disrupting cilia biogenesis [32]
Carbonyl compounds Human osteogenic sarcoma cell line (U2OS) 0.001–4 mM formaldehyde, 1-3d ↓ Proliferation, viability [33]
Human bone marrow stem cells cultured in osteogenic conditions Acetaldehyde (0.1–0.12 mM) and Acrolein (0.01–0.12 mM) 1-28d ↓ Proliferation, viability ↓ with 0.03 mM acrolein, 0.1 mmol/L acetaldehyde Altered cell morphology Reduced adherence to titanium surface [34]
Mouse primary osteoblastic cells/ MC3T3-E1 murine cell line 0.04% Acetaldehyde, 1-4d ↓ Proliferation, viability


↓ RUNX2, osterix

Reduced osteoblast differentiation, instead a shift towards adipogenesis [35]
Rat calvarial osteoblasts, bone marrow stromal cells 0.002% Acetaldehyde, 1-14d ↓ BMP-2, ALDH2 [36]

RUNX2 Runt-related transcription factor 2, BSP Bone sialoprotein, PGE2 Prostaglandin E2, OPG osteoprotegerin, MMP Matrix metalloproteinase, ROS reactive oxygen species, PPAR-γ Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma, ALDH2 Aldehyde dehydrogenase 2, Saos-2 / MG-63 - human osteoblast-like cell lines derived from patients with osteosarcoma. RAW264.7 a monocyte/macrophage like cell linage, capable of forming multinucleated osteoclast-like cells), ALP Alkaline phosphatase, CatK Cathepsin K