Figure 4.
Continuous upper body cooling and drinking to replace sweat losses to minimize dehydration (Cool+Drink), which attenuated the rise in core temperature and reductions in body weight during 2 hours of exercise in the heat (A), attenuates peak urinary [IGFBP7•TIMP-2] compared to cooling alone (Cool), drinking alone (Drinking) or a condition where drinking or cooling were not permitted (Control) (B). This observation is mostly explained by higher peak urinary IGFBP7 concentrations in the Control trial compared to all other conditions (C) and not differential increases in peak urinary TIMP-2 (D). Data are presented as mean (SD). *indicates different from Control (P<0.05), + indicates different from Cooling (P≤0.03). B-D: Data were reanalyzed from Chapman et al. [63]. Data are presented as box and whisker plots. Data were analyzed using a one-way repeated measures (RM) analysis of variance (ANOVA) with actual p-values reported accordingly. Pairwise comparisons were made using two tailed least significant difference post hoc tests. P-values are shown for differences from Control. Abbreviations – Δ: change, [IGFBP7•TIMP-2]: the product of insulin-like growth factor binding protein 7 (IGFBP7) and tissue inhibitor metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2)