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. 2021 May 4;11(5):e050452. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-050452

Table 1.

Secondary outcomes

Safety outcomes Baby
Any neonatal unit (NNU) admission (any level of care)
Neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission
Duration of NNU stay
Duration of NICU stay
Apgarscore <7 at 5 min
Apgar score <4 at 5 min
Arterial cord blood pH <7.1
Arterial cord base excess >12 mmol/L
Neonatal seizures
Hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (as recorded by care givers)
Level 2 or level 3 hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (as recorded by care givers)
Meconium aspiration syndrome
Mechanical ventilation
Intracranial haemorrhage
Stillbirth after admission/first attendance for induction of labour (excluding deaths from congenital anomalies)
Early neonatal death up to 7 days after birth (day 0–6; excluding deaths from congenital anomalies)
Treatment for neonatal sepsis (defined as positive blood, cerebral spinal fluid, or urine culture or cardiovascular collapse or X-ray confirming infection) (exploratory outcome)
Treatment in NNU for neonatal infection (defined as antibiotic treatment and temperature ≥37.5°C or <35.5°C) (exploratory outcome)
Treatment for neonatal jaundice (defined as peak total bilirubin of at least 15 mg or the use of phototherapy) (exploratory outcome)
Intensive care unit transfer
High dependency level care
Hyperstimulation or tachysystole (as defined by care givers)
Hyperstimulation or tachysystole causing cardiotocograph (CTG) abnormality (as defined by care givers)
Umbilical cord prolapse
Birth outwith hospital
Postpartum haemorrhage 1000 mL or more
Maternal fever 38°C or more after commencing cervical ripening (exploratory outcome)
Effectiveness outcomes Time from first cervical ripening agent to admission to labour ward/birth unit
Time from first cervical ripening agent to birth
More than one cervical ripening agent used
Duration of antenatal hospital stay for cervical ripening
Duration of labour ward admission until birth
Duration postnatal hospital stay (mother)
Total hospital stay
Hours spent at home
Oxytocin use
Mode of birth
Birth in obstetric unit
Birth in alongside midwifery unit (if available at that site)
Mother baby outcomes Breastfeeding at discharge from maternity care
Skin to skin at birth
Cost effectiveness Primary health economic outcomes
Incremental cost per neonatal admissions avoided (home vs in-hospital)
Incremental quality adjusted life year (QALYs) (home vs in-hospital)
Other (exploratory) economic outcomes
Incremental cost per hour prevented from hospital admission to delivery/birth
Incremental cost per neonatal admission avoided (home balloon catheter vs home dinoprostone)
Incremental cost per QALY (home balloon catheter vs home dinoprostone)
Incremental cost per hour prevented from hospital admission to delivery/birth (home balloon catheter vs home dinoprostone)
Outcomes to check comparability of groups/matching Birth weight
Birth weight centile
Small for gestational age (<10th centile for gestational age)
Large for gestational age (>90th centile for gestational age)
Qualitative CHOICE process evaluation outcomes Primary qualitative outcome
Sense of control (agentry) in labour
Secondary qualitative outcomes
Women’s satisfaction with induction of labour care
Women’s postnatal psychological well-being
Women’s overall evaluation of their labour and birth experience (qualitative analysis)
Costs incurred by the woman and family