Schematic illustration of the HA4model system used in the DFTB-MD simulations. The system consists of two GlcNAc and two GlcUA units, connected with β(1,3) (between GlcUA1 and GlcNAc1, and between GlcUA2 and GlcNAc2) and with β(1,4) (between GlcNAc2 and GlcUA1) glycosidic links. The H-abstraction reactions occurring on OH groups in red dashed circles are not considered in the interaction of RONS with HA4, since these H atoms are used either to end up the truncated HA sugar chain or to protonate the GlcUA residues, which is not the case in real conditions. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)