Fig. s1.
Gene expression of nutrient-unresponsive genes. The Med13fl/fl control mice (WT) and MED13-LKO (KO) mice were fasted for 16 h overnight and sacrificed (fasted) or fed with water or fed with normal chow with supplementation of 30% sucrose or fructose water (sucrose, fructose). Real-time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis of glycogen synthesis or breakdown pathway-regulating genes (Gbe, Phkb, and Gs) and nutrient-unresponsive genes (Lxr-α and Usf1) was performed in livers of the Med13fl/fl or MED13-LKO mice (n = 4 per group for glycogen-related genes and n = 3 for nutrient-unresponsive genes). No statistically significant differences between samples were found.