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. 2021 May 5;11:9607. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-88788-2

Table 2.

Demographic information for all participants.

VSS Mean (SD) n = 32 VSS + Migraine Mean (SD) n = 35 Controls Mean (SD) n = 37
Female/Male 12/20 24/11 24/12
Age/distribution 29.38/18–54 31.78/20–55 27.56/18–56
Visual snow
 Duration (years) 14.81 (13.3) 13.42 (11.72)
 Patients with lifelong duration (%) 39.3 34.4
Afterimages (%) 67.9 93.1
Photophobia (%) 46.4 62.1
Nyctalopia (%) 75 58.6
Floaters (%) 82.1 86.2
Blue field entoptic phenomenon (%) 67.9 79.3
Tinnitus (%) 67.9 67.9
Paraesthesia (%) 25 42.9
Family history of migraine (%) 30.4 59.3
Relative with VS (%) 4.3 7.4
 Depression 12.42 (9.84) 8.41 (8.62) 2.62 (3.72)
 Anxiety 6.33 (4.87) 7.07 (7.5) 1.86 (2.2)
 Total 10.53 (6.69) 8.57 (6.8) 2.92 (3.24)
AUDIT 3.17 (4.36) 2.45 (1.59) 2.62 (1.57)
DUDIT 1.21 (2.93) 1.24 (3.63) .52 (1.72)
NART 113.88 (5.95) 114.17 (4.87) 116.15 (5.65)

VSS visual snow syndrome, DASS depression anxiety stress scale, AUDIT alcohol use disorders identification test, DUDIT drug use disorder identification test, NART national adult reading test.