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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Aug 1.
Published in final edited form as: Am J Hosp Palliat Care. 2020 Nov 6;38(8):938–946. doi: 10.1177/1049909120971829

Table 5.

Regression Analysis of Financial Hardship on HRQoL

Physical Well-Being Social/Family Well-Being Emotional Well-Being Functional Well-Being FACT-G Total Score
Model Summary
F 2.121 2.664 .973 3.085 2.948
R2 .248 .292 .131 .324 .314
P value .042 .012 .472 .004 .006
df 9,58 9,58 9,58 9,58 9,58
N 68 68 68 68 68

β SE P β SE P β SE P B SE P β SE P
Age .119 .102 .248 −.228 .102 .029* −.076 .089 .397 −.108 .101 .298 −.292 .302 .337
Gender .451 1.75 .798 −.724 1.75 .681 1.46 1.52 .341 3.10 1.73 .078 4.28 5.18 .411
Hospital <6 months 1.14 1.52 .456 −1.15 1.52 .453 −.214 1.32 .872 −1.27 1.50 .402 −1.49 4.50 .741
Insurance −1.038 3.30 .755 −2.54 3.30 .445 −1.72 2.87 .552 −2.02 3.26 .538 −7.32 9.77 .457

Financial Hardship
β SE P β SE P β SE P B SE P β SE P
Employment Status
Unemployed −2.34 2.23 .299 −1.90 2.23 .398 −2.52 1.94 .193 −3.76 2.20 .09 −10.55 6.60 .115
Retired −5.17 2.57 .049* −3.87 2.57 .137 −3.36 2.23 .138 −6.93 2.53 .008* −19.33 7.59 .014*
Medical Cost Concern −.248 .749 .741 .984 .749 .194 −.279 .651 .670 .257 .739 .729 .714 2.21 .748
Financial Hardship Treatment Adherence −2.082 .771 .009* −1.33 .771 .091 −.662 .670 .327 −1.71 .761 .028* −5.78 2.28 .014*
Financial Worry −1.243 .833 .141 −2.03 .833 .018* −1.24 .724 .091 −2.13 .822 .012* −6.65 2.46 .009*

Significant value <.05