Fig. 5. Autophagy and β-catenin signaling cannot interfere with each other in SOX2-induced malignant phenotype in CRC.
A, B Activating or inhibiting autophagy by Rapamycin (50 nM) or 3-MA (10 mM) treatment for 24 h was performed in SW480 or SW620 cells (A) as well as in SW480 or SW620 cells transfected with SOX2 clone or SOX2 shRNA (B), then immunoblot was performed with indicated antibodies. C, D TOP/FOP Flash reporter assay was used to analyze β-catenin transcriptional activity in SW480 or SW620 cells with autophagy activation or inhibition (C) as well as in SOX2-overexpressing SW480 cells or SOX2-silencing SW620 cells with autophagy inhibition or activation (D). E, F Overexpressing or silencing β-catenin was conducted in SW480 or SW620 cells (E), as well as in SW480 or SW620 cells transfected with SOX2 clone or SOX2 shRNA (F), then immunoblot was performed with indicated antibodies. Experiments were conducted in triplicate. Data are shown as mean ± SEM. ns non-significant.