Figure 1.
EFA factor loadings on the latent SOMEDIS-A factor 1 (negative consequences) and SOMEDIS-A factor 2 (cognitive-behavioral SM use symptoms) are shown on the left [next to the individual scale item (manifest variable)] together with the proportion of explained variance (given above and below the SOMEDIS-A box). Correlation coefficients of the SOMEDIS-A sum score with criteria are presented on the right side (next to the criteria variables). All factor loadings and correlations were significant with p < 0.001. The usage days per week did not significantly correlate with the SOMEDIS sum score and are, thus, not depicted. SOMEDIS-A, Social Media Disorder Scale for Adolescents; SMDS(-P), Social Media Disorder Scale (Parental Version); SM, social media; PHQ, Patient Health Questionnaire; PSS, Perceived Stress Scale.