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. 2021 Apr 22;15:670322. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.670322



ETH-JH hormonal cascade is essential for courtship LTM. (A) The role of ETH-JH signaling in courtship LTM was examined following ETHR knockdown in the CA to create JH deficiency. CA-specific ETHR silencing leads to memory defect, whereas both genetic control groups are normal (n = 50–64). (B) Conditional ETHR silencing in the CA via the TARGET system. Adult-specific ETHR silencing causes a significantly less memory performance by training compared to genetic controls (n = 58–66). (C) Rescue of memory phenotype in ETHR-silenced males by topical treatment with the JH analog methoprene (n = 48–62): “–,” vehicle (acetone); “+,” methoprene (1x, 64.4 pmol; 10x, 644 pmol per animal). Vehicle-treated JHAMT-GAL4/UAS-ETHR RNAi males suppress courtship by 2.3%, while and 1x JHA-treated males show 7.0% suppression of courtship; the MPI of 10x JHA-treated males is 10.9%. Mann–Whitney U test for CI and random permutation test for MPI: *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ns, no significance.