Figure 3.
SJC66high versus SJC66low differential expression analysis. (A) Volcano plots depicting the -log10(p-value) on the y-axis relative to the difference in log2 fold change when comparing the SJC66high with SJC66low samples on the x-axis. Colours represent the non-significant genes (orange), the significant genes (blue) and the significant genes with a log2 fold change of larger than 1 (green; “sig. interesting”). Statistical significance is further depicted by a dashed horizontal line. Mean and standard error bars superposed onto a jitterplot for the two most differentially expressed genes (B) CCL13 and (C) CLEC10A. (D) The 10 most enriched MetaCore gene sets associated to the DGEs. Tick marks represent gene ranks relative to the direction of the expression effect and are summarized by the normalized expression score (NES).