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. 2021 Apr 22;15:561689. doi: 10.3389/fninf.2021.561689


Overview of the output files.

Name Per stack Description
“project”.rds no A file that stores the qdecr output object and can be reloaded with “qdecr_load.”
finalMask.mgh no The final mask that was used for the analyses.
fwhm.dat no A file containing the estimated smoothness.
significant_clusters.txt no Contains all significant clusters (the output of “summary(vw, annot = TRUE)”).
stack_names.txt no Contains the link for variable name-stack number.
stack*.coef.mgh yes Contains the vertex-wise regression coefficients from the linear regression.
stack*.se.mgh yes Vertex-wise standard errors from the linear regression.
stack*.t.mgh yes Vertex-wise t-values from the linear regression.
stack*.p.mgh yes Vertex-wise p-values from the linear regression.
stack**.abs.sig.cluster.mgh yes Vertex-wise log10-transformed p-values of the cluster-wise significance.
stack**.abs.sig.cluster.summary yes Text file with summary information about clusters from the “mri_surfcluster” call.
stack**.abs.sig.masked.mgh yes Vertex-wise values after setting the non-cluster vertices to zero.
stack**.abs.sig.ocn.annot yes Vertex-wise annotations for the clusters to which each vertex belongs.
stack**.abs.sig.ocn.mgh yes Vertex-wise values for the clusters to which each vertex belongs.
stack**.abs.sig.voxel.mgh yes Vertex-wise value for the corrected voxel-wise significance.

The “project”.rds file will have the name of the outputted project name. The “stack*” names will be replaced with the stack number, e.g., “stack1.” The “th*” names will be replaced with the threshold of the cluster-wise threshold. All “.cache.” files are output from mri_surfcluster.