Study of the interactions between several host plants and Macrophomina phaseolina.
Host Plant | Study | Tools For Study | Results | References |
Sorghum | Susceptible and resistant cultivars. | Gene expression analysis | Induction of chitinase and stilbene synthase genes | Sharma et al., 2014 |
Groundnut | Genotypes screening for disease tolerance. | Gene expression analysis | Induction of chitinase and β-1,3-glucanase genes | Iwuala et al., 2020 |
Jute | Evaluation of resistance level in a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population. | Transcriptomic profile and miRNA analysis | Induction of SA/MeJA1/ABA pathway genes | Biswas et al., 2014 |
Identification of known and novel microRNAs in resistant RIL line. | In silico analysis | Nine novel microRNAs identified. Known microRNAs viz. miR-845b and miR-166 superfamily were abundantly expressed, and provide NBS-LRR and ROS mediated defense. | Dey et al., 2016 | |
Medicago truncatula | Host-pathogen interaction at the molecular level. Treatment with methyl jasmonate (MJ) or ethylene (ET). | Gene expression analysis | Genes involved in flavonoid and isoflavonoid biosynthesis were up-regulated in the shoot. Genes in jasmonates (JAs) or ethylene (ET) pathways were not strongly induced in infected root tissue. Treatment with MJ or ET induced partial resistance. | Gaige et al., 2010 |
Global gene expression profile at initial entry and colonization stages. | Transcriptomic profile | Regulation of genes involved in jasmonic acid and ethylene pathways. Regulation of genes involved in auxin homeostasis, polar auxin transport and auxin signalling. Treatment with exogenous auxin conferred partial resistance. | Mah et al., 2012 | |
Arabidopsis thaliana | Defense response | Growth parameters. Gene expression analysis. | Reduction in shoot length, root length, photosynthetic pigments, relative water content and increase in sugar and proline contents in leaves. The expression of mitogen-activated protein kinases and thaumatin proteins increased while chitinase and beta-1,3-glucanase showed little increase compared with control plants. | Saima and Wu, 2019 |
Semi-in vitro assay system to study Arabidopsis/M. phaseolina interaction | Transcriptomic profile | ET or JA mutants showed an enhanced susceptibility to M. phaseolina. | Schroeder et al., 2019 | |
Potato | Evaluation of transgenic potato plants overexpressing Thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) gene of Camellia sinensis (CsTLP). | Gene expression analysis. | Increase in transcripts of StPAL, StLOX, and StTLP genes involved in phenylpropanoid, lipoxygenase, and general defense response pathway. | Acharya et al., 2013 |
Soybean | Evaluation of susceptible (S) or moderately resistant (MR) genotypes under irrigated and nonirrigated and under fungal infested and noninfested conditions. | Analysis of total phenolics, lignins, total and cell wall boron and isoflavones in seed. | Significantly higher levels of phenolics, seed coat lignin, isoflavones, sugars, and total boron were observed in MR genotype than in S genotype seeds under irrigated and nonirrigated and under experimental M. phaseolina infested and noninfested conditions, indicating a possible association of these substances with resistance to toxin-mediated infection. | Bellaloui, 2012 |
Genetic architecture of resistance and identification of causal genes. | Genome-wide association studies (GWAS). | Five and eight loci were reported for field and greenhouse screening, respectively, which were associated with candidate genes involved in controlling the plant defense response. No overlap of markers or genes was observed between field and greenhouse screenings. | Coser et al., 2017 | |
Defense response under in vitro conditions | Transcriptomic profile. | Induction of in secondary metabolism, hormone metabolism, stress, and signaling related genes. | Marquez et al., 2018 | |
Transgenic soybean with suppressed synthesis of isoflavones. | Molecular and biochemical characterization. | Reduced root capacity to produce glyceollin and increased susceptibility to pathogen infection. | Lygin et al., 2013 |