Table 2.
Baseline demographics n = 20
Age, years Sex, male (%) Smoking status (%) Current Ex-smoker Pack year history Diagnosis (%) Asthma COPD Asthma-COPD overlap Number of co-morbidities Cardiovascular disease (%) Anxiety/depression (%) Low bone mineral density (%) Diabetes mellitus (%) Arrhythmia (%) Gastro-oesophageal reflux (%) |
64.4 (13.7) 35 30 55 46.6 (26.5) 25 50 25 5.3 (3.7) 70 55 25 15 20 35 |
Number of prescribed medications* Maintenance ICS/LABA (%) Maintenance LABA/LAMA (%) Maintenance Azithromycin (%) Leukotriene receptor antagonist (%) Maintenance prednisolone (%) Nebulised short-acting bronchodilators (%) Stable State Spirometry FEV1 (L) FEV1 (% predicted) FVC (L) FEV1/FVC Long-term oxygen therapy requirement (%) Number of exacerbations in last 12 months Community-treated Hospital admission Emergency department presentation Barthel Index, median (range) Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale, median (range) |
6.8 (5.3) 90 10 45 30 5 55 1.3 (0.7) 50.4 (20.4) 2.3 (0.9) 51.7 (14.5) 25 6.4 (5.7) 4.0 (3.6) 1.6 (1.9) 1.1 (1.9) 95 (30–100) 4 (2–6) |
Data is presented as mean (standard deviation) unless otherwise stated
ICS inhaled corticosteroid, LABA long-acting beta-2-agonist, LAMA long-acting muscarinic antagonist, FEV1 forced expiratory volume in one second, FVC forced vital capacity
*Non-respiratory medications