Subject |
Information |
Specific subject area |
Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition |
Type of data |
Image |
How data were acquired |
The two datasets were adapted from a public head CT collection CQ500 with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license |
Data format |
Raw |
Parameters for data collection |
The selection of DICOM files from the CQ500 head CT collection was based on the image quality (e.g., slice thickness, fracture, scanning protocol) |
Description of data collection |
The datasets were adapted from the CQ500 CT data. The adaptation process involves pre-processing (data format conversion, selection, transformation, skull segmentation, post-processing (e.g., noise removal) artificial defect injection). |
Data source location |
The dataset was adapted from the public head CT collection CQ500 with CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. The SkullFix dataset was first released to participants of the AutoImplant ( challenge. |
Data accessibility |
The SkullFix dataset can be downloaded from the AutoImplant challenge website at Besides, we also provided the direct download links for the two datasets: SkullBreak ( and SkullFix ( |
Related research articles |
Jianning Li, Antonio Pepe, Christina Gsaxner, Gord von Campe, and Jan Egger. title: A baseline approach for autoimplant: the miccai 2020 cranial implant design challenge, MICCAI CLIP 2020. DOI: reference: [1]
Oldřich Kodym, Michal Španěl, and Adam Herout. title: Skull shape reconstruction using cascaded convolutional networks. DOI: reference: [2]