Table 1.
Study | Sample Characteristics | Sampling Method | Time Points Considered | Criteria for Classification | CU Groups | CU Amount/Frequency | Other SU Data Collected | Other SU Amount/Frequency | NP Domains Assessed | NP Domains Associated with CU |
Fried et al. (2005) | N=113; primarily White; 55.8% male; age at follow-up = 18 |
Random selection | 2 assessments (ages 9-12 and 17-21) | Current CU status and frequency | Controls; Former regular users; Current light users; Current heavy users | Current CU ( joints/wk)/Cumulative CU ( joints total): Current light users: 1.4/122; Current heavy users: 12.4/1884; Former regular users: 0/2203 |
Current alcohol use ( drinks during wk before testing), current tobacco use ( cigarettes per day) |
drinks wk before test: Controls: .3; Current light users: 2.5; Current heavy users: 2.1; Former users: 3.1. cigarettes per day: Controls: .2; Current light users: 2.2, Current heavy users: 9.6; Former users: 6.2 |
IQ, Vocabulary, Memory (immediate and delayed recall, working memory), sustained attention, abstract reasoning | Overall IQ, processing speed, immediate and delayed recall |
Meier et al. (2012) | N=1,037; primarily White; 52% male; age at last follow-up = 38 |
Rep. birth cohort | CU: 5 assessments(ages 18, 21, 26, 32, 38) NP: 2 assessments (ages 13 and 38) |
A) Total assessments participant met criteria for cannabis dependence B) Total assessments when participant CU 4+ days/wk |
A) No CU; Used but never diagnosed; Diagnosed at 1 wave; Diagnosed at 2 waves; Diagnosed at 3 or more waves B) No CU; Used but never regularly; Regular CU at 1 wave; Regular CU at 2 waves; Regular CU at 3 waves |
Median days of past year use among persistent users: infrequent adolescent-onset CU = 14; frequent adolescent-onset CU = 365; infrequent adult-onset CU = 6; frequent adult-onset CU = 365. | Number of assessments when participants met criteria for tobacco, alcohol, and other drug dependence | N/A | IQ, memory, executive functioning, processing speed, perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension | IQ, memory, executive functioning, processing speed, perceptual reasoning, verbal comprehension |
Tait et al. (2011) | N=2,404; race = N/A; 45% male; age at baseline = 23 |
Rep. sample with random selection | 3 assessments (baseline, 2 follow-ups at 4 year intervals) | Current CU status and frequency | Never used; Always former; Former light; Former heavy; Remain light; Remain heavy | N/A | N/A | N/A | Memory (immediate and delayed recall, episodic memory, working memory), verbal ability, attention and motor speed | Immediate Recall |
McKetin et al. (2016) | N=1,897; primarily White; 42.5% male; age at baseline = 43 |
Rep. sample with random selection | 3 assessments (baseline and 3 follow-ups at 4 year intervals) | Past year CU frequency | No use in past year; < wkly past year use; ≥ wkly past year use | N/A | Tobacco use (never/past/current), alcohol consumption (AUDIT score, levels based on heaviest past drinking frequency and amount) | No past year CU group mean AUDIT score = 4.2; Less than wkly CU group mean AUDIT score = 7.1; Wkly or greater CU group mean AUDIT score = 6.6 | Memory (immediate and delayed recall, working memory), premorbid verbal ability, attention and motor speed | Immediate recall, but no within subject effects |
Jacobus et al. (2015) | N = 108; 62.6% white; 65.3% male; age at baseline = 18 |
Community Sample | 3 assessments (baseline, 2 follow-ups at 1.5 year intervals) | A) Lifetime CU and alcohol use frequency; B) Age of onset of CU |
A) Marijuana users with concomitant alcohol use; Controls B) Early onset of regular CU; Late onset of regular CU; Controls |
lifetime CU episodes: Users: 1086.4 Controls: 87.2; CU episodes from Baseline to Year 3: Users: 292.4 Controls: 26.0; days of past month CU at baseline: Users: 15.5 Controls: 0.1. days of past month CU at Year 3: Users: 13.3 Controls: 3.7 | Current alcohol use (drinks per month), lifetime number of alcohol use episodes, lifetime other drug use episodes, average number of cigarettes per day in past wk | Drinks per month at baseline: Users: 47.8, Controls: 5.1; Drinks per month at Year 3L Users: 51.2, Controls: 32.3; Lifetime number of alcohol use episodes: Users: 644.9, Controls: 180.2; Lifetime other drug use episodes: Users: 84.4, Controls: 7.5; cigarettes per day at baseline: Users: 0.8, Controls: 0.1; Average cigarettes per day at Year 3: Users: 0.8, Controls: 0.3 | Complex attention, memory (working memory, verbal memory), processing speed, executive functioning, visuospatial functioning | Complex attention, memory, processing speed, visuospatial functioning |
Mokrysz, et al. (2016) | N=2,235; primarily White; 46.6% male; age at baseline = 8 |
Rep. birth cohort | CU: 1 assessment (age 15) NP: 4 assessment (ages 8, 11, 15, 16) |
Lifetime CU frequency | No CU; CU < 5 times; CU 5-19 times; CU 20-49 times; CU ≥ 50 times | % reported typically smoking 1/16th ounce in less than 1 day: CU < 5 times: 14.3%; CU 5-19 times: 18.1%; CU 20-49 times: 30.2%; CU ≥ 50 times: 38.9% | Cumulative tobacco and alcohol consumption (number of times), number of other recreational drugs used | CU > 50: 97.3% used alcohol >20 times, 83.8% used tobacco > 20 times, 67.3% used other drugs. CU 20-49: 71.8% used alcohol and tobacco >20 times, 54.9% used other drugs. CU 5-19: 77.4% used alcohol >20 times, 52.6% used tobacco >20 times, 43.6% used other drugs. CU < 5: 63.7% used alcohol >20 times, 34.3% used tobacco >20 times, 28.6% used other drugs. No CU: 26.4% used alcohol >20 times, 4.5% used tobacco >20 times, 5.7% used other drugs | IQ, educational outcomes | None |
Jackson et al. (2016) | RFAB: N = 789; 37% Hispanic, 27% White, 14% Black, 5% Asian, 17% Mixed; 48% male; 46% monozygotic; age at baseline = 10 MTFS: N = 2,277; 93% White; 49% male; 63% monozygotic age at baseline = 12 |
Comm. & population based sample | 5 assessment points over 10 years (ages 9-10, 11-13, 14-15, 16-18, 19-20) | A) CU initiation B) CU frequency |
A) Users; Nonusers B) CU more than 30 times; Daily CU for at least 6 months |
N/A | Maximal binge drinking (number of drinks), cumulative other drug use (dichotomous) | maximal binge-drinking: 2.7 for nonusers, 7.6 for users. Other drug use: 1.6% of nonusers, 38.3% of users | IQ | IQ (verbal ability and general knowledge) |
Notes. Comm. Sample = Community Sample; Rep. = Representative; CU = Cannabis use; NP = Neuropsychological.