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. 2021 Apr 22;8:636670. doi: 10.3389/fvets.2021.636670

Table 9.

Information sources for antimicrobial drugs used to treat preweaned calves on California dairies.

Percent SE N 95% Confidence limits
Lower Upper
Previous experience 66.2 5.91 65 53.55 76.81
Product label 27.7 5.59 65 17.98 40.09
Sales representative 32.3 5.85 65 21.86 44.88
Websites 1.5 1.54 65 0.2 10.62
Promotional materials 9.2 3.62 65 4.11 19.42
FARAD (Food Animal Residue Avoidance Databank) 0
Cooperative extension 0
Veterinarian 84.6 4.51 65 73.35 91.66
Other producers 16.9 4.69 65 9.47 28.39
Magazines and Journals 12.3 4.1 65 6.16 23.09
Local/national meetings 3.1 2.16 65 0.74 11.88
Othera 12.3 4.1 65 6.16 23.09

The respondents were reportedly reliant on the veterinarian and previous experience with a drug as sources of information on AMD used to treat calves. The respondents typically relied on more than one information source. N, number of respondents who answered the questions.


Do not use antibiotics.