“During your labor and delivery to what extent were you afraid that you or your baby might be hurt or die?” |
Extremely |
97 (3.2) |
Quite a bit |
139 (4.6) |
Moderately |
358 (11.9) |
A little bit |
833 (27.7) |
Not at all |
1579 (52.5) |
Women who answered extremely to a little bit to above questions were then asked the following questions: |
1427 (47.5) |
“To what extent did you feel helpless?” |
Extremely |
110 (7.7) |
Quite a bit |
142 (10.0) |
Moderately |
269 (18.9) |
A little bit |
443 (31.0) |
Not at all |
463 (32.4) |
“To what extent did you feel terrified?” |
Extremely |
120 (8.4) |
Quite a bit |
99 (6.9) |
Moderately |
201 (14.1) |
A little bit |
441 (14.1) |
Not at all |
566 (39.7) |
“To what extent did you feel horrified?” |
Extremely |
52 (3.6) |
Quite a bit |
45 (3.2) |
Moderately |
73 (5.1) |
A little bit |
144 (10.1) |
Not at all |
1113 (78.0) |
Women who answered extremely to a little bit to one or more of above three questions were then asked the following: |
1156 (38.5) |
“Since the delivery have you experienced any of the following at least twice in the past week?” |
“Upsetting thoughts or memories about the childbirth experience that have come into your mind against your will?” |
83 (7.2) |
“Upsetting dreams about the childbirth experience?” |
14 (1.2) |
“Acting or feelings as though the childbirth experience were happening again?” |
20 (1.7) |
“Feeling upset by reminders of the childbirth experience?” |
84 (7.3) |
“Bodily reactions (such as fast heartbeat, stomach churning, sweatiness, dizziness, etc.) when reminded of the childbirth experience?” |
17 (1.5) |
“Trying not to think about the childbirth experience?” |
108 (9.3) |
“Being jumpy or being startled at something unexpected?” |
70 (6.1) |
Women who reported one or more CR-PTSD symptoms at 1-month |
225 (7.5) |