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. 2021 May 6;16(5):e0251334. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0251334

Table 3. Patient outcomes by year of exposure with and without medication costs (Data source for Fig 4).

Incident Year Years Before / After RA Diagnosis (n pairs), n biologics RA Cases(2015 CAD/patient)  Age/Sex/Medical History Matched Controls (2015 CAD/patient) Average Difference (2015 CAD/patient) Sum of the Difference in Costs Since Diagnosis Age/Sex Matched Controls (2015 CAD/patient) Average Difference (2015 CAD/patient) Sum of the Difference in Costs Since Diagnosis Direct RA Associated Costs Indirect RA Associated Age/Sex Related Costs RA Cases (2015 CAD/patient) Age/Sex/Medical History Matched Controls (2015 CAD/patient) Average Difference (2015 CAD/patient) Sum of Difference in Costs Since Diagnosis Age/Sex Matched Controls (2015 CAD/patient) Average Difference (2015 CAD/patient) Sum of Difference in Costs Since Diagnosis Direct RA Associated Costs Indirect RA Associated Age/Sex Related Costs
  A. Total Costs with Medications B. Total Costs without Medications
2002 -8 (n = 5,322), - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - -
-5 (n = 5,322), 1503 1522 -19 -3422 1007 496 -4129 -19 515 1007 1287 1289 -2 -3258.5 849 438 -3874 -2 440 849
-2 (n = 5,322), 1735 1685 50 -3353 1086 649 -3967 50 599 1086 1353 1294 59 -3198 829 523 -3789 59 465 829
-1 (n = 5,322), 2109 1855 254 -3151 1218 891 -3736 254 637 1218 1632 1405 227 -3030 906 725 -3587 227 499 906
0 6870 3466 3404 0 2243 4627 0 3404 1223 2243 6178 2921 3257 0 1867 4312 0 3257 1054 1867
(n = 5,322), <8
1 6617 4360 2257 -1147 3297 3320 -1306 2257 1063 3297 5686 3739 1947 -1310 2865 2820 -1492 1947 874 2865
(n = 5,322), 11
2 6851 4576 2275 -1129 3436 3415 -1211 2275 1140 3436 5736 3901 1835 -1422 2960 2275 -2037 1835 941 2960
(n = 5,322), 24
5 8095 5630 2465 -939 4106 3989 -636 2465 1524 4106 6735 4870 1865 -1392 3549 3186 -1126 1865 1321 3549
(n = 5,322), 31
8 7829 5792 2037 -1366 4428 3401 -1225 2037 1364 4428 6334 5006 1328 -1929 3833 2501 -1811 1328 1173 3833
(n = 5,322), 27
2009 -8 1294 1271 23 -4609 926 368 -5060 23 345 926 1059 1038 21 -4350.4 751 309 -4713 21 287 751
(n = 6637)
-5 (n = 6637), <8 2653 2618 35 -4597 1877 776 -4653 35 741 1877 2219 2230 -11 -4384 1591 628 -4394 -11 639 1591
-2 (n = 6637), <8 4215 3790 425 -4207 2793 1422 -4007 425 997 2793 3586 3245 341 -4030 2377 1209 -3813 341 868 2377
-1 (n = 6637), 5066 4032 1034 -3598 3202 1864 -3565 1034 830 3202 4352 3430 922 -3450 2734 1618 -3404 922 696 2734
0 9136 4504 4632 0 3707 5429 0 4632 797 3707 8201 3828 4373 0 3179 5022 0 4373 649 3179
(n = 6637), 20
1 8563 5136 3426 -1206 4080 4483 -946 3427 1056 4080 7430 4458 2972 -1400 3548 3882 -1140 2972 910 3548
(n = 6637), 45
2 8198 5158 3040 -1592 4235 3963 -1466 3040 923 4235 6859 4475 2384 -1988 3735 3124 -1898 2384 740 3735
(n = 6637), 91
5 8373 5293 3080 -1553 4482 3890 -1539 3080 811 4482 6440 4544 1896 -2476 3864 2577 -2445 1896 680 3864
(n = 6637), 66
8 - - -  - - -  - - - - - - -  - - - - - -