Simulated temperature and acoustic pressure fields in a representative subject for (a) continuous wave (CW) ultrasound, (b) pulsed ultrasound with 62.5% duty cycle, and (c) pulsed ultrasound with 33.3% duty cycle. The absolute peak-to-peak pressure maximum for the simulations is displayed in gray scale. Temperature is displayed using a heat map with a minimum color priority threshold of 1 °C. CT features such as the bone (cyan) and the skin and internal epithelium (beige), and the clot (green), are plotted using contour lines. The transducer is outlined in magenta. Constructive interference is prominent in the soft tissue between the temporal bone and the transducer. Some constructive interference is also present in the brain tissue close to the contralateral temporal bone, however, the pressure in this region did not exceed the pressure in the M1 section of the middle cerebral artery. Temperature rise was prominent in the ipsilateral bone along the transducer axis.