Figure 2. Replisome components are recruited to damaged DNA in non-replicating Caulobacter swarmer cells.
(A) Representative images of non-replicating swarmer cells with fluorescently tagged replisome components (SSB-YFP, HolB-YFP, DnaN-YFP, or DnaE-mNG) with (+MMC) or without (no damage) 30 min of treatment with MMC. (B) Percentage cells with SSB, HolB, DnaN, or DnaE localization (foci) in non-replicating swarmers with (+) or without (-) MMC treatment (n ≥ 324 cells, three independent repeats). Dashed line represents median here and in all other graphs. (C) Percentage swarmer cells with 0, 1, or ≥2 DnaN foci at 0, 30, 60, and 90 min after damage removal (recovery) (n ≥ 476 cells, three independent repeats). (D) Percentage swarmer cells with 0, 1, or ≥2 foci of SSB, HolB, or DnaE at 0 and 90 min after damage removal (recovery) (n ≥ 324 cells, three independent repeats).