(A) UMAP (left) depicting subtypes and heatmap (right) depicting marker genes associated with pan-CAF subtypes. Pan-myCAF, myofibroblast-like CAFs; pan-dCAF, desmoplastic CAFs; pan-iCAF and pan-iCAF-2, inflammatory-like CAFs; pan-nCAF, normal myofibroblasts; pan-pCAF, proliferating CAFs. (B) Fraction of CAF subtypes in individual cancer types. (C) Dot plot showing expression of marker genes for pan-CAF subtypes. (D) Enriched gene sets for pan-CAF subtypes. (E) UMAP depicting cell cycle states of pan-CAF subtypes. (F) Heatmap of expression of genes associated with selected functions. (G) Heatmap of expression of genes encoding cell-surface proteins.