Figure EV2. In vitro recycling ability of Vs.
ARecycling activity of Vs during multiple rounds of catalysis was analyzed by addition of fresh substrates in the reaction mixture up to six cycles. The curves observed due to reduction in NADPH absorbance, for every cycle were parallel to each other, indicating no change in their initial rate and persistence of the activity. This clearly depicts robustness of the catalyst. Conditions used for the assay were sodium phosphate buffer (100 mM, pH 7.4), GSH (2 mM), NADPH (0.2 mM), catalyst (20 ng/μl), GR (~1.7 U), and H2O2 (20 μM) at 25°C.
B, CHigh‐Resolution TEM (HRTEM) image and FFT patterns of Vs before (B) and after (C) catalysis.
DSAED pattern of Vs after catalysis. The pattern was indexed in a common zone axis [001] which indicates the surface exposed facets are retained after multiple rounds of catalysis.