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. 2021 May 5;11(5):e045018. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-045018

Table 3.

Factors examined in publications

Factors N References
Contextual characteristics
 Predisposing factors
  Demographic 1 91
  Social / /
   Stigma* 14 33 44 45 52 60 64 66 71 77 84 85 88 89 100
   Culture* 5 23 40 44 46 77
   Social norms* 5 34 40 76 77 87
   Gender roles* 3 27 66 100
 Enabling factors
  Health Policy 7 42 57 61 83 84 91 101
  Financing 12 34 36 41 50 61 64 83 88 90 91 102 103
   Health professional factors* 22 24 31 34 36 39 42 43 50 53 58 61 69 79 81 82 84 88 90–92 101 104
   Availability* 21 23 24 28 33 39 41 42 47 50 53 59 61 64 74 80 87 90 92 101 103 105
   Additional healthcare services* 12 26 36 52 72 75 76 80 81 88 90 101 104
   Cultural/linguistic suitable services* 9 23 31 37 40 62 66 71 84 85
   Cooperation* 5 23 77 80 81 101
   System complexity* 6 34 64 80 82 84 105
   Quality of care* 6 26 34 42 59 80 90
   Interpreters* 2 23 69
 Need factors
  Environmental 3 50 89 91
  Population health indices / /
Individual characteristics
 Predisposing factors
   Immigration status* 7 31 53 56 57 70 71 105
   Gender 2 62 64
   Age 13 24 25 44 50 53 57 58 61 62 78 79 93 105
  Genetic 2 46 101
   Social network 41 25 26 28–31 33 35 39–42 47–50 54 56–58 60 62 64 66 67 75 77–82 84 85 87 89 92 93 103 105 106
   Personal skills* 16 26 29 39 43 45 51 65–67 69–71 75 77 81 85
   Competing priorities* 12 22–24 30 34 39 50 66 77 81 87 93
   Living conditions* 10 39 41 47 49 65 66 70 80 88 89
   Education* 5 47 57 61 87 90
   Attitude towards healthcare services 33 23 26–29 31 34 40–42 45 47–50 52 59 61 63 74 77–80 85 87 88 90 92 102 103 105 106
   Fear* 27 22–24 34 35 39 40 46 49 50 52 56 60–62 64 67 70 74 76–78 84 87 88 104 105
   Values 28 23 25 26 29 31 33 34 40 46 48 53 54 56 57 60 62 66 67 70 71 74 81 84 86 87 92 103 106
   Attitude towards health professionals 12 27 32 37 43 45 47 48 60 76 87 102 105
 Enabling factors
   Financial resources 25 22 25 28 41 42 48–53 57 62 65 67 70 71 77 78 87 90 93 102 103
   Insurance 18 22 29 34 39 43 45 51 53 63 64 70 71 87 90 92 93 105 106
   Income 8 28 29 53 64 70 87 92 106
   Accessibility* 34 22–25 29 34 39 41 42 44 47 48 50 52 57 61 64 65 71 74 77 78 81 82 87–90 92 102–106
   Stable routine* 6 64 74 75 88 89 103
   Reminder strategies* 3 39 50 52
  Social Support
   General* 12 47 48 50 63 66 75 77 79 82 87 89 103
   Tangible 18 26 31 33 39 41 49 50 64 66 75 78 80 86 90 92 93 105 106
   Emotional/affectionate 15 22 24 25 29 35 49 50 54 62 64 66 75 77 80 82
   Informational 11 22 25 40 42 67 75 78 81 86 89 92 103 106
 Need factors
   General* 10 30 31 33 58 64 73 78 86 92 106
   Symptoms 45 22–26 30 35 39 41–43 46–50 53 54 57–60 62 64 66 67 70 74 75 77 78 80 85 87 90 93 100 102–104 106
  Evaluated 20 25 30 33 35 41 55 58 59 62 75 78–80 82 85 90–92 103 106
Health behaviours
  Personal health practice
   Complementary medicine* 13 25 29 44 53 54 57 64 77 78 86 87 90 102
   Self-care 11 24 29 46 48 64 74 86 87 89 102 103
   Adherence 8 36 39 50 63 65 90 103 105
   Diet 4 47 48 64 86
  Process of medical care
   Relationship patient-provider 21 23 26 27 39 50 52 60 66 67 70 72 74 75 77 82 84 88–91 103
   Second medical opinion* 1 50
  Use of personal health services 77 22–54 56–67 69–93 100–106
  Perceived health status 5 41 48 77 90 91
  Evaluated health status 1 64
  Consumer satisfaction
   General* 2 82 91
   Prior experiences* 17 22 23 25 27 45 47 51 55 57 67 71 74 80 82 100 102 103
   Waiting time 5 22 42 45 82 87
   Satisfaction with providers* 18 22 26 34 35 45 47 48 55 71 72 75 76 80 82 84 87 102 103
   Satisfaction with care facility* 8 29 37 41 59 78 82 93 103
  Quality of life / /
Health literacy
 Organisational health literacy*
  Access to health information* 25 22–24 27 30 32 36 39 40 46–49 69 74–76 83 84 90 92 93 103
 Individual health literacy* 1 69
  Literacy* 2 61 103
  Knowledge* 39 23 26–28 30–37 40 42 44 46–52 54 57 62 67 69 73–78 84 87 90 92 104 105
  Motivation* 4 34 75 77 102
  Competences* 22 22 23 27 29 32 37 39 48 50 52 56 61 63 64 67 70 74 75 82 89 105 106

*These factors were inductive codes, developed along the data material.