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. 2021 Jan 28;127(6):787–798. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcab010

Table 1.

Phylogenetic isolation affecting delay of removal of acorns (left) and of leaf area of seedlings (right), accounting for ground cover and treatment

Acorn removal delay Leaf area removed
t P t P
Phylogen, isolation of focal conspecific adult –2.84 0.012 2.73 0.014
Treatment NA NA F = 1.79 0.196
Size of conspecific adult Excl Excl Excl Excl
Seedling density –2.69 0.017 3.65 0.002
Moss cover Excl Excl Excl Excl
Tree cover Excl Excl –2.98 0.008
Shrub cover –1.94 0.072 1.31 0.207
Herb cover –2.35 0.033 0.88 0.392
Treatment × seedling density NA NA F = 8.77 0.002
 Exclusion all × seedling density NA NA -4.16 0.001
 Exclusion insects × seedling density NA NA 2.67 0.016
Treatment × herb cover NA NA F = 2.58 0.105
 Exclusion all × herb cover NA NA –2.18 0.044
 Exclusion insects × herb cover NA NA –1.54 0.142
Adjusted R2 0.45 0.48
d.f. for error 15 17

Treatment is the exclusion of particular groups of enemies. Treatment was dropped from analyses of acorn removal (see the Materials and Methods) but significantly affected seedling herbivory (Fig. 2). Analyses were limited to acorns and seedlings closest to the focal conspecific adult. Covariates were the random effect tree pair, and (in models of seedling herbivory) the age of leaves. Covariates are not shown. Best sub-set search was applied, and excluded variables are noted ‘Excl’.