FIG 6.
Pseudotyping of HIV-1 ΔNef particles with VSV-G prevents SERINC5-mediated proinflammatory cytokine production by MDMs. (A, upper panel) Relative infectivity of HIV-1 ΔNef particles pseudotyped with VSV-G produced in 293T cells analyzed as described in the legend to Fig. 1A. (Lower panel) Representative Western blot analysis of these virions for incorporation of SERINC5.HA, Nef, and HIV-1 p24. (B) Schematic of experimental flow (as in Fig. 2B, but including additional infections of MDMs with VSV-G HIV-1). (C) Quantification of intracellular p24 levels in MDMs relative to cultures infected with ΔNef particles (set to 100%, with the percentage of p24+ cells ranging from 1% to 6% between donors). Shown are data points from cells of individual donors, with the mean of all donors indicated by a black line. (D) Cytokine production of MDMs infected with HIV-1 Env or VSV-G containing ΔNef+S5 particles relative to the corresponding ΔNef control. Data are displayed as log2 fold change, with red, black, and blue, respectively, indicating upregulated, unaltered, or reduced cytokine production. (E) Quantification of IL-6 concentration in the supernatant of the MDMs analyzed in panels C and D relative to the corresponding ΔNef (set to 1). Shown are data points from cells of individual donors, with the mean of all donors indicated by a black line. (F and G) Pearson’s correlation between the ΔNef/ΔNef+S5 infectivity ratio and induction of IL-6 production by ΔNef+S5 particles containing HIV-1 Env (F) or VSV-G (G). Statistics (Student's t test): n.s., nonsignificant; **, P < 0.01.