The viral RNA of virus grown in METTL3 knockout U2OS cells is defective in m6A methylation. (a) Western blot showing METTL3 expression in METTL3-knockout U2OS cells and wild-type U2OS cells. (b to d) Quantification of m6A level in virion RNA. Shown are the relative m6A levels in virion RNAs from SeV (b), MeV (c), hMPV (d), and VSV (e) grown on METTL3 KO/WT U2OS cells. Each virus was purified through 30 to 50% linear sucrose gradient ultracentrifugation. Virion RNA was extracted, and the total m6A level of each virion RNA was quantified by m6A RNA methylation assay. (f) Total viral RNA from VSV-infected METTL3 KO U2OS cells is defective in binding to m6A antibody by MeRIP assay. An MeRIP assay was carried out to determine the binding of RNA to m6A antibody using the Magna MeRIPTM m6A kit. Anti-m6A antibody was first conjugated to magnetic beads. Total RNA (15 μg) was extracted from VSV-infected METTL3 KO/WT U2OS cells and incubated with m6A antibody-associated beads at 4°C for 2 h with rotation. The RNA-associated magnetic beads were then washed for 3 times. Total RNA was extracted from beads by TRIzol reagent and quantified by real-time RT-PCR using primers annealing to VSV antigenome and genome. Data shown are the mean ± standard deviation (SD) from n = 3 (b, e, and f), n = 6 (c), or n = 4 (d) biologically independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined by two-sided Student's t test: **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001; ****, P < 0.0001.