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. 2021 May 7;100(18):e25825. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000025825

Table 4.

Multivariate linear regression analysis of healthcare workers’ perceived anxiety caused by COVID-19 (N = 956).

95% CI beta coefficient
Beta coefficient Lower bound Upper bound P value
(Constant) 4.144 1.640 6.648 .001
Sex: female −0.027 −0.502 0.447 .910
Age (yrs) −0.001 −0.020 0.018 .899
Clinical role
 Resident physician −1.382 −2.356 −0.407 .006
 Registered nurse −1.031 −1.643 −0.420 .001
Work location
 Pediatric emergency room worker 0.773 0.145 1.401 .016
 General wards worker 0.388 0.068 0.709 .018
Hospital setting
 Public hospital −0.018 −0.811 0.775 .965
 Tertiary hospital 0.287 −0.165 0.738 .213
Psychological support services available at hospital: yes −0.568 −0.894 0.242 .001
Plans to reschedule annual leave from work: yes 0.506 0.226 0.787 <.001
Belief causing anxiety
 Increased risk of transmission among healthcare workers 0.734 0.143 1.325 .015
 Risk of depletion of hospital's personal protective equipment 0.216 −0.127 0.559 .216
 Lack of some types of equipment during pandemic (e.g., ventilator shortages) −0.061 −0.450 0.328 .759
 Depletion of disposable medical materials (e.g., ventilator circuits, endotracheal tubes) 0.526 0.125 0.927 .010
 Shortage of staff and increased demand on all staff −0.914 −2.001 0.174 .099
Improvement in hygiene practices 0.895 0.445 1.346 <.001
Attitudes toward infection control measures 0.136 0.008 0.264 .037

SARS-CoV-2 = severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2.