Figure 2.
All Subjects With Reported LGE Outside of the RV Insertion Point
There were 13 subjects with reported LGE outside of the RV insertion point. We show a single slice from all (i.e., no freedom to select cases). In total, 6 were found in seropositive cases (A to F), and 7 in seronegative cases (G to M). In addition to the low frequency of LGE abnormalities, the LGE was mainly small-volume, noninfarct pattern and nonspecific. Some may be normal (e.g., a likely septal perforator vessel visible in the anteroseptum) (A). In 2, the abnormality was 3 segments (M and J). For the rest of these subject results, see Figure 4. For LGE segmentation, see Supplemental Figure 1. LGE = late gadolinium enhancement; RV = right ventricular.