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. 2021 May 8;22(1):1–52. doi: 10.1007/s10754-021-09307-4

Table 11.

Estimated change in number of opioid prescriptions filled from prior year to current year among long-term users, 2014–2017

Variables (1) (2)
Probability of a decrease in annual number of fills Change in number of annual fills
CDC guideline 0.961** − 1.974*
(0.420) (1.134)
State regulations 0.085 0.360
(0.429) (0.921)
Trend − 0.431** 0.772
(0.176) (0.472)
Pain limited work − 0.282 0.929*
(0.237) (0.543)
Age 0.030 − 0.049
(0.067) (0.139)
Age squared − 0.000 0.001
(0.001) (0.001)
Male − 0.395* 0.391
(0.225) (0.441)
Black 0.132 0.513
(0.253) (0.548)
Hispanic − 0.159 1.409*
(0.321) (0.823)
Surgery 0.123 0.774
(0.286) (0.804)
Felt hopeless most/all of time 0.483 − 1.061
(0.329) (0.761)
Dual/SSI nonelderly 0.411 0.156
(0.316) (0.763)
Married 0.116 − 0.277
(0.257) (0.549)
1–3 years college 0.074 0.011
(0.239) (0.601)
4 + years college 0.300 − 0.593
(0.309) (0.874)
Employed 0.266 − 1.052*
(0.292) (0.630)
Publicly insured, nonelderly − 0.114 − 0.445
(0.356) (0.787)
Elderly 0.558 − 1.297
(0.374) (0.939)
Uninsured, nonelderly 0.461 − 1.278
(0.525) (1.617)
HMO 0.260 − 0.507
(0.229) (0.474)
Near poor − 0.507 1.542
(0.435) (1.104)
Low income − 0.192 0.277
(0.330) (0.745)
Middle Income − 0.903*** 1.680**
(0.336) (0.714)
High Income − 0.628* 1.172
(0.357) (0.893)
Poor mental health − 0.301 0.064
(0.245) (0.548)
Angina -0.099 − 0.856
(0.429) (1.141)
Arthritis 0.245 0.365
(0.307) (0.651)
Asthma − 0.222 0.196
(0.292) (0.624)
Coronary heart disease − 0.797** 1.617*
(0.374) (0.935)
Cholesterol − 0.052 − 0.597
(0.217) (0.563)
Diabetes − 0.446 0.930
(0.273) (0.581)
Emphysema 0.082 − 1.353
(0.375) (0.952)
High blood pressure 0.045 − 0.369
(0.279) (0.586)
Joint pain 0.211 − 0.509
(0.287) (0.634)
Mild heart attack 1.065*** − 2.010***
(0.358) (0.761)
Other heart attack 0.301 − 0.236
(0.269) (0.644)
Stroke 0.102 − 0.825
(0.303) (0.840)
Chronic bronchitis 0.070 0.159
(0.419) (1.145)
Smoker − 0.366 1.365**
(0.229) (0.595)
Obesity − 0.033 0.495
(0.225) (0.559)
Pregnant 0.899 0.893
(1.430) (1.899)
Rural 0.401 0.569
(0.389) (0.911)
Constant 0.407 − 1.037
(1.756) (3.890)
Observations 735 735
R-squared 0.148

Col 1: Logit. Col 2: Linear regression. Marginal effects reported. Long-term use is more than 2 years, with chronic pain, excluding cancer. Standard errors in parentheses adjusted for complex survey design

Not shown: State fixed effects

***p < 0.01; **p < 0.05; *p < 0.1