Figure 3.
Predictive performance of serum TG level for targets of time in ranges using ROC curves. The area under ROC curves of TG predicting (A) TBR <4% in all participants (n=108), (B) TBR <4% in participants with hemoglobin A1c (n=44), (C) TAR <25% in all participants (n=108), and (D) TIR >70% in all participants (n=108) are 0.704 (95% CI: 0.600–0.807, P=0.001), 0.856 (95% CI: 0.688–1.000, P=0.042), 0.693 (95% CI: 0.588–0.798, P=0.001), and 0.576 (95% CI: 0.449–0.704, P=0.296), respectively. 95% CI, 95% confidence intervals; ROC curves, receiver operating characteristic curves; TBR, time below range (glucose <3.9 mmol/L); TAR, time above range (glucose >10.0 mmol/L); TIR, time in range (glucose 3.9–10.0 mmol/L).