Figure 3. Mapping of the Missense Variants on mtAspRS Structure.
(A) Crystal structure of mtAspRS homodimer (PDB 4AH6; the mtAspRS monomers are in white and orange transparent ribbons) with the sites of missense variants. The text color of each variant corresponds with the color of the variant depicted in the crystal structure. Red and blue triangles indicate missense variants for group 1 and 2, respectively. (B) Close-up views around protein sites hit by the missense mtAspRS variants. Noncovalent interactions between the affected amino acids and surrounding residues are indicated with dotted lines. mtAspRS protein is represented in its homodimeric form (monomers in transparent white and orange ribbons) complexed with tRNAAsp (green) and aspartyl-adenosine-5′-monophosphate (magenta).