Fig. 4.
Carboxysome proton concentration is modulated by CO2 efflux. Carboxysome-free proton concentration (A and B) and carboxysome pH (C and D) indicate that a functional carboxysome compartment undergoes net acidification at limiting HCO3− and RuBP supply (SI Appendix, Fig. S4). Plotted are proton concentration and pH over a range of [HCO3−] and [RuBP] for modeled carboxysomes with an internal CA, allowing for two protons to be produced per carboxylation reaction and under typical modeled CO2 permeability within the model (10−6 m/s; solid pink lines). If CO2 efflux were rapid and unimpeded (CO2 permeability 1 m/s; dashed green lines), pH rapidly returns to ∼8 (black dashed line, panels C and D) as external limiting substrate supply increases. Slow CO2 efflux (CO2 permeability 10−9 m/s; dashed orange lines) does not allow for dissipation of protons. Efflux of CO2 from the carboxysome contributes to pH maintenance as it represents the loss of substrate for the CA hydration reaction (CO2 + H2O ↔ HCO3− + H+), which would otherwise lead to free proton release. Each dataset was modeled with an initial [RuBP] of 5 mM for HCO3− response curves and 20 mM HCO3− in the case of RuBP response curves, and CA activity is confined only to the carboxysome compartment. All other permeabilities under these conditions are set to 10−6 m/s as for a carboxysome (Table 1). The COPASI (66) model was run in parameter scan mode, achieving steady-state values over a range of substrate concentrations. Data presented are for the tobacco Rubisco (Table 2).