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. 2021 Apr 27;118(18):e2101254118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2101254118

Table 1.

Summary of mutations in coding regions found in the isogenic transplant litterbags

Gene Name Position Specific mutation Type of mutation Occurrences in samples Mutation frequency Gene description
relA → 732,949 G → T G196V All samples 62.0 ± 20.0% Bifunctional (p)ppGpp
nonsynonymous (GGC → GTC) synthase/hydrolase
marR → 1,513,025 A → C A102A Scrubland T1; 32.1 ± 7.0% Multiple antibiotic
synonymous (GCA → GCC) Pine–Oak T1-T3; resistance protein
Subalpine T1-T3
orf01789 ← 1,895,438 Δ54 bp Desert T1-T3; 12.8 ± 1.8% Zinc transporter
deletion Scrubland T1,T3;
Grassland T1-T3;
Pine–Oak T1,T3;
Subalpine T1,T3
lutR → 2,623,478 G → A G77E Subalpine T2-T3 13.4 ± 0.7% HTH-type transcriptional
nonsynonymous (GGG → GAG) regulator
wcaJ → 3,114,825 C → T Q182* Desert T1-T3; 30.6 ± 6.2% DP-glucose:undecaprenyl-
nonsense (CAG → TAG) Scrubland T2-T3; phosphate glucose-1-
Grassland T1-T3 phosphate transferase
lacF ← 3,355,556 Δ46 bp all samples 14.7 ± 2.8% Lactose transport system
deletion permease protein

T1 = population sample collected at 6 mo, T2 = 12 mo, and T3 = 18 mo.

Frequency calculated from samples where mutation was detected.