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. 2021 May 4;14:1215–1230. doi: 10.2147/JPR.S306504

Table 1.

Characteristics (Mean ± Standard Deviation and Range or Proportions) of Individuals Who Had an Initial Consultation (Baseline) and Individuals Who Completed Treatment (Follow-Up) in a Public or Private Interdisciplinary Pain Center in Denmark from 2018 to 2020.

Variables in the Minimum Core Data Set Baseline (n=12,257) Follow-Up (n=4111)
Women (n=8324; 67.9%) Men (n=3933) Women (n=2765; 67.3%) Men (n=1346)
Age (years), M±SD (range), n=12,257 (missing=0.0%) 49.1±14.7 (18–99) 51.9±14.3 (18–93) 51.5±14.3 (18–97) 55.0±13.5 (20–89)
Height (cm), M±SD (range), n=11,551 (missing=5.8%) 166.9±6.6 (130–198) 179.7±7.2 (152–210)
Weight (kg), M±SD (range), n=11,396 (missing=7.0%) 78.5±19.2 (35–185) 91.8±19.1 (42–200)
BMI (kg/m2), M±SD (range) 28.2±6.6 (12.9–70.8) 28.4±5.5 (13.6–50.1)
Highest education, n=11,531 (missing=5.9%)
 Primary school education (%) 18.6 20.4
 Upper secondary education (%) 6.2 4.9
 Vocational education and training (%) 26.1 40.9
 Short cycle education (%) 13.2 7
 Vocational bachelor education (%) 25 14.6
 Master’s program (%) 4.2 5
 Others (%) 6.7 7.2
Work situation, n=11,436 (missing=6.7%)
 Normal working hours (%) 11.4 13.2
 Reduced working hours (%) 10.5 9.4
 Sick leave (part time or full time) (%) 18.7 20.9
 Pension (%) 27.8 31.3
 Studying (%) 3.7 1.9
 Unemployed (%) 4.9 4.4
 Public welfare support (other than sick leave and unemployed) (%) 23 18.9
Pain duration (years), mean +/- SD (range), n=11,586 (missing=5.5%) 10.3±10.2 (0.25–84) 9.5±10.3 (0.25–68.4)
 <1 year (%) 5.7 7.9
 1–3 years (%) 21.9 24.6
 3–5 years (%) 14.2 14.6
 5–10 years (%) 20.2 19.1
 >10 years (%) 38 33.8
Peak pain intensity last 24 hours (NRS: 0–10), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,728 (missing=4.3%) 7.8±1.6 (0–10) 7.8±1.6 (0–10) 6.9±2.1 (0–10) 7.0±2.2 (0–10)
Average pain intensity last 24 hours (NRS: 0–10), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,703 (missing=4.5%) 6.5±1.8 (0–10) 6.5±1.9 (0–10) 5.8±2.1 (0–10) 5.8±2.2 (0–10)
Least pain intensity last 24 hours (NRS: 0–10), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,645 (missing=5.0%) 4.8±2.3 (0–10) 4.8±2.4 (0–10) 4.3±2.4 (0–10) 4.4±2.5 (0–10)
Average pain intensity last 7 days (NRS: 0–10), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=9,291 (missing=6.6%) 5.1±2.9 (1–10) 5.1±2.9 (0–10) 4.9±2.4 (0–10) 4.8±2.5 (0–10)
Pain areas (0–71), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,833 (missing=3.5%) 23.7±16.7 (0–71) 17.2±13.4 (0–71)
Painful body areas (0–7), M±SD (range) 4.8±2.0 (0–7) 4.0±2.0 (0–7)
Head and neck pain (%) 68.6 55.2
Back pain (%) 79.8 77.8
Thorax/abdominal/genital pain (%) 72.3 59.6
Right leg pain (%) 67 56.5
Left leg pain (%) 67.2 59.1
Right arm pain (%) 64.5 47.4
Left arm pain (%) 63.1 48
Analgesic use (%), n=11,763 (missing=4.0%) 88.1 89.6 79.8 80.7
 Opioids (%) 39.1 51 24 33.2
 Tricyclic antidepressant (%) 19.9 18 22.8 19.7
 Anticonvulsants (%) 23.3 27 24.6 27.1
 NSAIDs (%) 28.8 25.7 15.2 14.1
 Paracetamol (%) 71.5 64.5 48.3 42.4
 Muscle relaxants (%) 15.8 14.3 21.9 17.5
Analgesic effect (effect in %), n=11,763 (missing=4.0%) 37.6±23.3 (0–100) 38.1±23.6 (0–100) 44.9±24.3 (0–100) 41.9±24.2 (0–100)
Stress (NRS: 0–10)*, M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,600 (missing=5.4%) 4.8±3.2 (0–10 4.6±3.2 (0–10) 4.2±2.9 (0–10) 4.3±3.1 (0–10)
Pain catastrophizing (NRS: 0–10)*, M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,591 (missing=5.4%) 6.9±2.7 (0–10) 7.2±2.7 (0–10) 5.4±3.0 (0–10) 5.9±2.9 (0–10)
Fear of movement (NRS: 0–10)*, M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=11,368 (missing=7.3%) 5.1±3.4 (0–10) 5.8±3.4 (0–10) 3.9±3.4 (0–10) 5.0±3.6 (0–10)
PROMIS-10 Physical Health, M±SD (range), higher is better, n=9291 (missing=6.6%) 33.4±5.6 (16.2–61.9) 34.2±6.2 (16.2–54.10) 35.8±6.4 (16.2–67.7) 35.7±6.5 (16.2–57.7)
PROMIS-10 Mental Health, M±SD (range), higher is better, n=9291 (missing=6.6%) 38.5±7.5 (21.2–67.6) 37.8±7.8 (21.2–67.6) 41.3±7.9 (21.2–67.6) 39.3±8.1 (21.2–67.6)
General health (item 1 in PROMIS-10), n=9,291 (missing=6.6%)
 Excellent (%) 0.4 0.6 0.8 0.8
 Very good (%) 3.7 3.7 5.6 3.9
 Good (%) 19 19.2 30.1 23.9
 Fair (%) 41.8 39.5 44.5 44.2
 Poor (%) 35.1 36.9 19 27.3
Emotional problems in last 7 days (item 10 in PROMIS-10), n=9291 (missing=6.6%)
 Never (%) 5.3 6.2 7.4 7.5
 Rarely (%) 15.1 15.2 21.6 19.4
 Sometimes (%) 37.4 34.9 42.8 37.5
 Often (%) 34.7 35 23.2 28.6
 Always (%) 7.4 8.7 5 7.1
Sleep, n=11,709 (missing=4.5%)
 Difficulties falling asleep (% often or always) 67.6 65.4 56.9 57.5
 Disturbed/poor sleep (% often or always) 80.5 80.2 67.7 70.9
 Repeated awakenings (% often or always) 70.2 70.8 59.5 66.2
 Early awakenings (% often or always) 62 67.1 55.9 65.8
Fatigue in last 7 days (item 8 in PROMIS-10), n=9291 (missing=6.6%)
 No fatigue (%) 0.8 1.1 1.4 2.3
 Mild fatigue (%) 6.5 9.1 13.2 13.3
 Moderate fatigue (%) 31.5 35 41.6 39.4
 Severe fatigue (%) 43 41.4 33.8 34.8
 Very severe fatigue (%) 18.2 13.4 10 10.2
Patient Global Impression of Change, n=3540 (missing=13.9%)
 Very much improved (%) 10.1 8.6
 Much improved (%) 17.6 13.8
 Minimally improved (%) 20.7 19.7
 No change (%) 39.7 42
 Minimally worsened (%) 4.5 7.9
 Much worsened (%) 4.4 5.4
 Very much worsened (%) 3 2.7
Variables in the Additional Data Set Baseline (n=9303) Follow-Up (n=3147)
Women (n=6432) Men (n=2871) Women (n=2156) Men (n=991)
Fear of movement (TSK 17 items: 17–68), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8392 (missing=9.8%) 39.0±7.8 (17–67) 42.1±8.3 (17–68)
Pain catastrophizing (PCS: 0–52), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8768 (missing=5.8%) 25.8±11.1 (0–52) 27.5±11.3 (0–52) 18.3±11.4 (0–52) 20.8±12.0 (0–52)
Depression (PHQ9: 0–27), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8628 (missing=7.3%) 10.5±5.5 (0–27) 10.4±5.9 (0–27) 8.8±5.5 (0–27) 9.5±5.9 (0–27)
Anxiety (GAD7: 0–21), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8594 (missing=7.2%) 6.0±4.9 (0–21) 6.3±5.3 (0–21)
Stress (PSS 10 items: 0–40), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8710 (missing=6.4%) 19.1±6.9 (0–40) 19.0±7.3 (0–40)
Disability (PDI 5 items: 0–50), M±SD (range), higher is worse, n=8868 (missing=4.7%) 34.9±9.5 (0–50) 35.4±10.1 (0–50) 30.5±10.8 (0–50) 31.7±11.1 (0–50)
Accept (CPAQ 8 items: 0–48), M±SD (range, higher is better, n=8600 (missing=7.6%) 21.8±8.5 (0–48) 19.5±9.1 (0–48) 23.1±8.1 (0–47) 20.3±9.0 (0–48)
Self-efficacy (PSEQ 2 items: 0–12), M±SD (range), higher is better, n=8509 (missing=8.6%) 5.9±3.2 (0–12) 5.3±3.3 (0–12) 6.4±3.3 (0–12) 5.6±3.3 (0–10)
Self-perceived general health (0–100)#, M±SD (range), higher is better n=8639 (missing=7.2%) 45.4±21.6 (0–100) 42.3±22.4 (0–100) 54.0±22.6 (0–100) 48.4±23.7 (0–100)
Memory and/or concentration deficit, n=8832 (missing=5.1%)
 None (%) 8 12.5
 Mild (%) 20.5 24.2
 Moderate (%) 41.9 39.2
 Severe (%) 29.6 24.1
Treatments tried for current pain condition prior to referral, n=8327 (missing=10.5%)
 Acupuncture (%) 58 54.2
 Chiropractor/osteopath (%) 56.4 56.7
 Exercise (%) 90.3 88
 Massage (%) 75 68.8
 Mindfulness (%) 45.8 29.2
 Relaxation (%) 54.7 42.5
 Surgery (%) 43 48.3
 Reflexology (%) 31.6 22.6
 Tried 4 or more treatments (%) 58.4 51.5
Exposed to traumatic event (%), n=8747 (missing=6.0%) 59.4 57.6
Pain related to trauma (%, only asked to patients reporting exposure to traumatic event), n=5146 38.3 50.6
Insurance claim (%), n=8742 (missing=6.1%) 16.7 24.9

Notes: *Assessed using one-item psychosocial screening questions validated in this setting for each construct; #assessed using the EuroQoL health thermometer.

Abbreviations: BMI, body mass index; NRS, numerical rating scale; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; PROMIS-10, 10-item Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System; TSK, Tampa Scale of Kinesiophobia; PCS, Pain Catastrophizing Scale; PHQ9, 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire; GAD7, 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder; PSS, Cohen’s Perceived Stress Scale; PDI, Pain Disability Index; CPAQ, Chronic Pain Acceptance Questionnaire; PSEQ, Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire.