Fig.6: Retaining cohesin on the Xi early in differentiation leads to XCI defects, especially at the ends of the chromosome.
(A) Tracks of Xi Hi-C contacts to the Xist transcription locus, Xist binding (CHART-seq) and H3K27me3 (cChIP-seq) in WAPL-FKBPdegron lines treated from days 4–7 of differentiation with DMSO (D) or 500nM dTAG-13 (13). Log fold ratio tracks (dTAG-13/DMSO) are also shown (Δ). Principal component corresponding to compartments on the Xi (PC1, positive S1, negative S2) shown for reference.
(B) Boxplot showing Xist coverage over 100kb bins in the centromeric most 30Mb, middle 100Mb, and telomeric most 30Mb of the X chromosome in WAPL-FKBPdegron, clone H7 treated as in (A). Significant p-values by Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated by * (p<2.2e-16).
(C) Boxplots showing allelic H3K27me3 coverage over 100kb bins in the centromeric most 30Mb, middle 100Mb, and telomeric most 30Mb of the X chromosome in WAPL-FKBPdegron, clone H2 treated as in (A). Significant p-values by Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated by * (p<2.2e-16) and ** (p<0.001187). N.S., not significant.
(D) Boxplot showing average Xist density over different classes of genes on the X chromosome in WAPL-FKBPdegron, clone H7 treated as in (A). Significant p-values by Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated by * (p<2.2e-16). N.S., not significant.
(E) Boxplot showing average allelic H3K27me3 density over different classes of genes on the X chromosome in WAPL-FKBPdegron, clone H2 treated as in (A). Significant p-values by Wilcoxon signed rank test indicated by * (p<2.2e-16), ** (p<8.094e-16), *** (p<0.00206), **** (p< 0.0001193). N.S., not significant.