Figure 1.
Upregulation of COL5A2 gene and protein expression in colorectal cancer (CRC). Gene expression of COL5A2 was upregulated in CRC tissues comparing with the normal tissues revealed using (A) the Gaedcke Colorectal dataset (GSE20842) (Oncomine database,, (B) Hong Colorectal dataset (GSE9348),19 (C) Notteman colon dataset,20 (D) Skrzypczak Colorectal dataset (GSE20916),21 (E) Skrzypczak Colorectal 2 dataset (GSE20916),21 (F) TCGA colorectal dataset ( and (G) Kaiser Colon dataset (GSE5206).22 The total number of cases were shown under each category. Other type of colon cancers includes colon signet ring cell adenocarcinoma, colon small cell carcinoma, rectal signet ring cell adenocarcinoma, rectosigmoid mucinous adenocarcinoma. The p values were calculated using two-tailed and unpaired Student’s t test. The p value indicated with an asterisk was calculated using paired Student’s t test.
Abbreviations: CA, colon adenoma; CeAC, cecum adenocarcinoma; RAC, rectal adenocarcinoma; CoAC, colon adenocarcinoma; CoMAC, colon mucinous adenocarcinoma; ReMAC, rectal mucinous adenocarcinoma; ResAC, rectosigmoid adenocarcinoma.