Table 1.
Model inputs
Parameters | Patients with CPS ≥ 1 Pembrolizumab monotherapy versus cetuximab + platinum + 5-FU |
Total population Pembrolizumab combination versus cetuximab + platinum + 5-FU |
Estimation approach / data sources | Sensitivity analyses (PSAa distribution) | ||
Intervention | Comparator | Intervention | Comparator | |||
Effectiveness | Piecewise approach using KEYNOTE-048 data: KM curve followed by parametric extrapolation |
Alternative cut-off points and/or parametric distributions Survival distributional parameters (multinormal) |
PFS | Week-52 cut-off followed by: | |||||
e(− 4.73) | e(− 4.21) | e(− 4.66) | e(− 3.98) | |||
OS | Week-80 cut-off followed by: | |||||
ll(-0.10; 4.60) | ll(0.25; 3.75) | ln(4.87; 0.64) | ln(3.79; 0.27) | |||
Direct medical costs, AR$ |
Costs sourced from different public and private Argentinian institutions The incidence of TRAE was taken from KEYNOTE-048 trial datab Drug costs are based on ex-factory public prices from AlfaBeta, schedule recommendations and KEYNOTE-048 ToT data Treatment duration caped to disease progression and pembrolizumab given for a maximum of 2 years. (Table 2) |
DSA and PSA on: TRAE incidence (gamma) Resource usage (beta) Weekly resource costs (gamma) Terminal care resources (constrained beta) Patient weight and BSA (log-normal) Subsequent treatment duration (gamma) Allow for vial sharing |
Weekly costs | ||||||
Pre-progression, year 1 | 6,343.32 | 6,343.32 | 6,343.32 | 6,343.32 | ||
Pre-progression, after year 1 | 5,779.19 | 5,779.19 | 5,779.19 | 5,779.19 | ||
Post-progression | 4,327.36 | 4,327.36 | 4,327.36 | 4,327.36 | ||
One-time cost | ||||||
Disease progression | 37,804.12 | 37,804.12 | 37,804.12 | 37,804.12 | ||
Terminal care | 185,909.98 | 185,909.98 | 185,909.98 | 185,909.98 | ||
Drug administration per dose | 7,877.87 | 18,980.95 | 18,980.95 | 18,980.95 | ||
TRAEs, weekly | 11.70 | 633.16 | 767.17 | 633.16 | ||
1L treatment, weekly average | ||||||
First 3-week cyclec | 135,103.49 | 169,310.41 | 139,735.10 | 169,310.41 | ||
Subsequent 3-week cycles | ||||||
With platinum + 5-FU | NA | 141,863.06 | 139,735.10 | 141,863.06 | ||
Without platinum + 5-FUd | 135,103.49 | 137,231.46 | 135,103.49 | 137,231.46 | ||
Subsequent treatmentse | 1,076,761.67 | 1,691,770.64 | 1,316,616.83 | 1,578,559.19 | ||
Utilities | Utilities derived through a linear mixed regression of EQ-5D-3L scores from KEYNOTE-048 and using an Argentina algorithm |
Alternative utility values DSA and PSA (normal) |
Health state utilities | ||||||
PFS | 0.8300 | 0.8300 | 0.8300 | 0.8300 | ||
PD | 0.7900 | 0.7900 | 0.7900 | 0.7900 | ||
Disutilities | ||||||
TRAE Grade 3–5 | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | 0.0300 | ||
Days prior to death | ||||||
90–180 | 0.0423 | 0.0423 | 0.0423 | 0.0423 | ||
60–90 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | ||
30–60 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | 0.1123 | ||
0–30 | 0.2302 | 0.2302 | 0.2302 | 0.2302 |
CPS combined positive score, EQ-5D-3L EuroQol five-dimension three-level, e exponential, ll log-logistic, ln log-normal, NA not applicable, OS overall survival, PFS progression-free survival, PSA probabilistic sensitivity analysis, ToT time-on-treatment, TRAE treatment-related adverse events, 1L first line, 5-FU 5-fluorouracil
aThe variability of the selected distributions was based on standard errors or variance–covariance from original data sources. For costs, the standard errors were assumed to be equal to 20% of the base-case values. Other elements of the PSA (distribution) include patients age (gamma), gender distribution (beta), and survival distributional time-on-treatment parameters (multinormal)
bTRAEs grade 3–5 occurring in at least 5% of patients (any severity) in at least one treatment arm were included
cPatient in the comparator arm received a loading dose of cetuximab the first week. For all other drugs, the dosing regimens are equal for first and subsequent doses
dPatients in pembrolizumab combination therapy arm or in the comparator arm received platinum (42.13% cisplatin and 57.87% carboplatin) + 5-FU for up to six 3-week cycles
eSubsequent treatment costs are inclusive of the cost associated with the management of treatment-related adverse events AR $74 = 1 USD = 0.84 euro. Ex-factory public prices from AlfaBeta, August 28, 2020